Chapter TwentySeven

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The sky weas dark all around, the streetlights lighting up the road, sometimes with bright white light, sometimes with a dull yellow one from the old glass that was used to cover the light bulbs. The road ahead was being lit up by the headlights of Hongjoong's car, roaring loudly into the night.

He drove slowly, a soft smile on his face after the eventfull evening. He still couldn't believe Seonghwa had confessed to him just like that. And if he was being honest, he felt like he did deserve the harsh words Seonghwa had spat his way in the beginning, he deserved it after avoiding the older for a whole week.

One of his hands was positioned on the wheel, his eyes firm on the street in front of him, the other hand resting lightly on Seonghwa's thigh who sat quietly in the passenger seat by his side, his head lulling to his side every so often as the silver haired male struggled to keep his eyes open.

After that kiss they hadn't talked much if he was being sincere. Istead, they had set up a sweet movie on the television and they had snuggled up close under a blanket, Seonghwa wrapped in Hongjoong's arms and they leaned on each other. At some point during the film Seonghwa had drifted off, and that was Hongjoong's cue to take the older home. Seonghwa had told him he had drove to his house, but after some convincing (not much, really; Hongjoong found out pretty quickly Seonghwa had a lot of difficulties denying him something) Hongjoong had managed to convince him that it was best if he took Seonghwa home himself since the older had been obviously still sleepy.

As soon as he approached Seonghwa's apartment building, Hongjoong pulled up to the curb and stopped the car. Seonghwa was basically already sleeping, and Hongjoong couldn't help but coo at the sight. How he loved this man.

He got out of the car and walked up to the passenger's side, opening the door and shaking gently Seongha's shoulder until his eyes finally fluttered open, and Hongjoong was being softly pulled down by an incredibly cute and sleepish overgrown baby. A soft laugh escaped his lips as Seonghwa mumbled something incomprehensible right before placing a tired kiss on whatever was in front of him - and barely missed blinding Hongjoong who thankfully avoided the lips that were directed right at his left eye.

"C'mon Hwa, we're here. I'll help you get to your apartment if you get up now," He laughed taking the older's hand in his and pulling until Seonghwa finally got on his own feet on the sidewalk. That wasn't for long though for, as soon as Hongjoong managed to lock his car, Seonghwa was slumping down onto his side, dropping a significant part of his body weight onto Hongjoong. He mentally thanked whoever was listening that he had started working out at the start of the year.

Their steps were slow, and by the time they reached Seonghwa's floor the older's eyes were already closed. Hongjoong chuckled lightly at Seonghwa's attempt not to let go of that sleepy state he was in; he would have probably done the same thing if the role had been reversed. "Do you have your keys?" He asked in a low tone as to not startle him too much, at which he received a nod and another tired mumble.

However when Hongjoong realized Seonghwa did not have the slightest intention to make any move to retrieve his keys he sighed and started feeling the other's pockets for anything that resembled the shape of keys. And even if he felt just a little bit wrong for him to actually take them from Seonghwa's back pocket - he realized they were there onlt after having checked the one pocket of the other hoodie and the two on the front of his pants - it felt definitely worse to just leave Seonghwa here in the middle of the hallway. Yeah, he wasn't drunk, nor high, just sleepy, but Hongjoong was pretty sure that if he just left him here he would not move a muscle and settle on sleeping on the floor. Yeah, no thanks.

He opened the door, took Seonghwa inside, and closed the door behind them both. He helped Seonghwa take off his shoes and after convincing him to walk just a bit more, he took him to his bedroom. He slowly set down Seonghwa onto the matress and covered his body with the thin blanket that he made sure to remove before making Seonghwa lay down, and a fond smile made his lips curl upward at the almost sleeping boy that was now blinking up at him.

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