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I threw myself into the week, focusing on nothing but my classes and my students and my job in an attempt to distract myself from my feud with the football coach. I quickly forgot about the few exchanges we'd had, deciding he really wasn't worth my thoughts. We never spoke again, and only came into any form of contact during staff meetings. But we weren't so much as on the same side of the room, so it didn't matter. I never so much as looked his way.

On Thursday, I was using my free period three to mark some assignments when I realized I'd forgotten the last page of the marking schedule in my car. Grabbing my keys, I left the classroom and started heading out to the car park. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I walked past the gym and took it out, giving it a cursory glance. Then I stopped, unlocking my phone and tapping on the text when I saw that it was from my Mom.

Mom: Call me when you've got some time darling, there's something I need to tell you

I swallowed, hoping that it wasn't bad news. Glancing around, I walked over just around to the back of the gym and called her. I couldn't wait until after school; it'd pick at me all day and distract me if I didn't call her now. 

"Hi darling, I didn't think you'd call so soon." Mom answered, sounding a little surprised.

"Free period." I explained. "What's up?"

"Oh, maybe I should talk to you this afternoon once you're home. I don't want to distract you from work."

"No, no it's okay. Tell me now." I insisted. "Is everything okay?"

"Well...oh Taylor." Mom sighed, and my eyes slipped closed. I knew that tone. Something was wrong. "I'm sorry darling, but my cancer came back."

I sucked in a breath, blinking furiously to fight off tears at the news. No, god no. We'd been assured there was little to no chance of it ever coming back. Yes, there'd been a small chance, but I'd put all of my hope in the wrong belief. I'd waited until Mom was okay before I'd moved away, wanting her to be able to take care of herself. I hadn't been able to stand my hometown, but I'd stayed just long enough for her. And now it was happening again.

"Mom." I whispered, a tear sliding down my cheek. 

"I know darling, I know."

"Okay well I don't know if I can come back right away but I can move some things around and I can probably..."

"What? No, darling, I don't want you to do that." Mom cut me off. "You just got settled down there, and you're doing so well at your job. I don't want you upending that for me. I'm okay."

"Mom, I can't let you do this alone." 

"I won't be alone Taylor. I've made some calls and I'm going to move into assisted care."


"It's already done." Mom insisted. "I won't make you come back here Taylor, I know how much you need to stay away. You can't stand being at home, I know that." I pressed my lips together, more tears spilling over. This couldn't be happening to us, not again. "I'll be okay."

"I know." I whispered. "You better be." Mom laughed and I forced a smile, but it dropped quickly.

"I just found out today, I thought you should know as soon as possible. And I know how much you worry about me darling, but if it's my time..."

"Don't say that." I cut her off sharply. "Don't even think it." Mom sighed wearily.

"Taylor, you know that there's a possibility it could happen."

"We're not talking about this." I said firmly. "Not now, not ever."

"Okay." Mom gave in, knowing better than to argue with me. I hadn't inherited my stubborn nature from her, and she knew there was no talking me down sometimes. "I'll let you get back to work darling, I'll call you soon. I love you so much."

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