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When the movie ended, Travis turned the TV off, casting the small bedroom into dim light. We ended up lying on our sides, Travis' arm around my waist as he looked up at me. I had my head propped up on my arm as we talked, fiddling absent-mindedly with the hem of my shirt.

"Well I did mention it to Tom earlier." Travis murmured when I brought up my concern whether teachers were actually allowed to date each other. "He said as long as it didn't interfere negatively with our jobs it was fine, but he seemed pretty happy for us when I told him."

"Oh good." I sighed. "I really don't know what I would have done."

"I do." Travis squeezed my waist. "I'd have found a new job at a different school."

"Don't say that." I mumbled, embarrassed.

"I would have." He insisted. "I am so crazy about you Taylor Swift. You're making me feel like a teenager instead of someone about to be in their thirties."

"Oh thank god it's not just me!" I laughed, leaning in to press my lips against his. Travis smiled, our teeth clashing together awkwardly, which only made me laugh again. 

"I love your laugh." Travis murmured, taking his hand off my waist and touching my bottom lip gently. "It's so gorgeous." He paused. "Beautiful." He whispered, saying it like an adoring nickname. Like I always did when he did anything, I blushed.

"Beautiful?" I held back a huge smile.

"Yeah, is that okay?" Travis asked nervously. 

"I think it's perfect." I whispered. No one had ever called me that before. I'd had babe, I'd had honey, but I loved the way it felt to be called beautiful in that way. Like I was precious, special, cared for.

Travis pulled me down to kiss me again. I gasped at the intensity of his kiss, a haze settling up on us as we fought to get closer. Travis slipped his arms around my hips as I ended up on top of him, moving his hands underneath my shirt. My hips tilted forwards against his as Travis sat up slightly, letting me wrap my arms around his neck as he gripped my bare waist. I was addicted to the way he kissed me, touched me, god.

"Oh!" I gasped, tilting my head back as Travis moved his lips to my neck. He kissed my neck softly, sucking ever so gently like he didn't want to leave a mark. "Travis!" I sighed, leaning against him as he tugged the neckline of my shirt to the side, exploring the curve of my skin down to my shoulder. I knew this wasn't going to lead anywhere, not tonight, but the way he kissed me made me want so much more. 

Travis lifted his chin to kiss my lips, holding me there for a long moment moving his hands to cup my face. I sighed happily as he kissed me softly, lingering there for such a long time that it made me fall so much harder for him. A gasp burst from my lips when we finally parted, and Travis chuckled as I sucked in a breath, having forgotten to breathe.

"How'd I get so lucky?" He murmured, stroking my cheek. "To have someone like you say yes to me. To be able to call someone like you my girlfriend."

God, the things he said to me. How did he know exactly how to make me melt into his arms, to fall further for him, to realize he treated me so damn good? I knew I was so lucky to have him, and this was only the beginning. 

I leaned forwards, resting my head against his shoulder and turning my face into his neck. Travis shifted his arms around my back and held me close as I hugged him, smiling to myself. We sat there for a little while, just holding each other, soaking up the moment. It was warm, safe, comforting.

"Beautiful." Travis murmured a little while later and I jolted back into reality. "You fell asleep." He said like he was holding back laughter. "I just thought you might be uncomfortable sleeping on my lap like that, but you're more than welcome to stay cuddled up if you'd like."

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