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"Well, well, well." Abigail smirked at me when I came home that afternoon. "If it isn't the one who insisted she wasn't going to go for it."

"I owe you so much." I told her as I placed my folded up dress on the table.

"Damn right you do." She nodded, patting the couch next to her and putting down her book. "Sit, spill, now."

"Kay." I flopped down on the couch next to her and started from when Travis had found me at the ball. I told her about the song I'd started, what I'd told him, how he'd kissed me. I told her about the diner, going back to his place, and then smacked her arm when she raised her eyebrows suggestively. "Stop! I didn't have sex with him! We just watched a movie and talked most of the night." I shook my head at her. "I met his Mom this morning too, and when she left we kind of just hung out at his place. Talking." I tacked on when Abigail smirked. "God, you really want me to have sex with him don't you?"

"Yes." She said, unashamed. "Very much so. It's been far too long for you."

"Well thanks, but I don't need you to tell me that." I rolled my eyes, leaning back against the couch. "We're just taking it slow. This isn't just a hookup." Abigail nodded understandingly, smiling knowingly at me. "What?"

"You're falling in love with him already aren't you?"

"Maybe." I admitted, and she smiled. "Alright, enough." I got to my feet with a sigh and Abigail laughed.

I went to have a shower, washing out my hair. When I got out, I caught sight of myself in the mirror and smiled. There was a faint pink smudge just above my collarbone, a reminder of Travis' lips against my skin. Unable to stop smiling, I brushed my fingers over it, rubbing gently. I liked the fact that he'd left his mark on me, that he had a claim over me. 


I wore Travis' hoodie to work the next day, tucking the light brown fabric over my black jeans. I loved the subtle smell of him that clung to the hoodie, unable to stop stroking the sleeves. 

Travis' car was in the staff park when I got there since I was a little later than usual, but I tried my best to convince myself I wasn't looking for him. This was work, and we couldn't let ourselves get distracted even though I knew at least I would have a hard time sticking to that rule. Pushing my ponytail out of my face, I got out and hooked my purse over my shoulder.

"Morning Taylor."

"Hey." I smiled at Chris as he waved at me through his classroom door. The bell rang for first period as I opened the door, and I'd just got to my desk when the first students started coming through the door, obviously having skipped registration. I sighed at them but didn't comment, knowing I couldn't really be bothered with the trouble of fighting them on it. Year thirteens were famous for skipping registration.

As I set my purse down, my eyes caught on a pale pink rose sitting on my desk where my computer normally sat, a note tucked underneath it. Hiding a smile, I picked both up and stroked the petals gently before opening the note.

Good morning beautiful, hope you slept well. I've got a lot on this morning but I'm hoping you've got some time in your free period. I'm bringing you coffee.

"Morning Miss Swift!" Lucy trilled and I quickly put the rose down as she skipped in. 

"Morning Lucy." I sighed, knowing she was about to start.

"How was your weekend?" She asked. "Is that a rose?"

"No." I shook my head. "Go sit down."

Lucy wrinkled her nose but went to sit down as I stated setting up, hooking up my computer. I could hear people debating the flower, and almost sighed to myself when someone pointed out that I was wearing Travis' hoodie. Damn, nothing could get past these kids. I pretended not to hear anything as I got everything set up, and stood to get the class's attention when I'd finished. One of the girls immediately stuck her hand up.

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