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Six years later

"Mommy up!"

"Oh, okay!" I wiped my hands, reaching down for my daughter. "Always when I'm busy huh?" I chuckled, resting her on my hip as I turned the sausages in the pan. Lucky for me she was a small five year old, and I was still able to lift her in my condition.

"Baby?" Josie patted my swollen stomach, questioning it like she so often did.

"Yes sweetheart, that's a baby." I nodded, picking up my glass of water and taking a sip. "That's your new little sister. You can meet her in a few weeks."

Josie patted my stomach again, mumbling to herself as she rested her head against my shoulder. Holding her against me with one arm, I moved around the kitchen, finishing up dinner. Then I heard the front door slamming closed and more voices filling the house.

"Just in time." I smiled as Travis came in. "There's my boys."

Josie jumped down, skipping over into her Dad's arms as our three year old twins ran over to me. Smiling, I crouched down.

"You have fun with Daddy today?" I crooned.

"Daddy showed us...us the..." Finn frowned, searching for the word.

"The locker room buddy." Travis suggested, and Finn nodded, grinning at me.

"Yeah? That sounds fun." I kissed his forehead as Noah climbed up into my arms for a hug. "Tired buddy huh?" I smiled, holding him close. He nodded. "You kids want to watch some of your show before dinner?"

They all squealed in delight, the three of them jumping down and running off to sit on the couch. I smiled fondly at them, reaching over and grabbing the remote. Switching in the TV, I pulled up the kids show they'd been watching and played the last episode. It'd keep them distracted from being hungry before dinner was ready. 

"Hey beautiful." Travis pulled me into his arms. "How was your day?"

"Good." I sighed, tilting my chin up as he ducked his head to kiss my neck lightly. "Josie and I just went to the park, and she helped me do the shopping."

"You feeling okay?" Travis rubbed his hand over my bump. I'd had pretty bad morning sickness this time around, and he was constantly worried about me.

"Yeah." I reassured him. "It's pretty much gone now. I think it was a first and second trimester thing."

"Good." Travis placed his lips against mine. "Why don't you go sit down with the kids? I'll finish dinner."

"Thanks." I murmured with a smile, laughing as he cheekily grabbed my ass as I moved off.

I went and sat down on the couch, and Noah climbed into my lap. He was and always would be the cuddliest one of our kids, and I loved it. I dropped a kiss on his head, glancing back over at Travis. My husband blew me a kiss, warming my cheeks as I smiled back at him.

'I love you.' He mouthed. 'Beautiful.'

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