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I floated through the next few weeks happily, loving every single day like nothing I'd ever felt before. Work was so much fun, Travis and I went on dates every few days as we explored our relationship, and Mom's treatments went really well. I was busy so didn't have time to go and see her, but called her all the time to see how she was doing. I spent some nights of most weekends at Travis' house, loving the feeling of waking up with him in the mornings.

The school term ended at the end of September, giving us two weeks of time off before we went back. I got the keys to my new apartment on the first Monday and spent the day deep cleaning every room. Luckily for me it came partially furnished, but unluckily for me, that meant I had to clean all of the furniture as well. But I had fun, since I was so excited about moving into a new place.

I spent Tuesday packing up all of my things into boxes, finishing in the late afternoon. Travis - who had been away the first few days of the holidays at an away game with the boys on the football team - arrived back soon after I finished and came right around to help me take apart my bed. 

"Alright, all done!" Travis sat back as he packed the last of the bed slats away into a box. "Anything else to pack up?"

"No, that's everything." I sighed, looking around at the boxes I'd stacked against one wall. "Thanks for coming to help, I know you're probably tired after the weekend."

"Well I'm just the coach, I don't have to play the game remember." Travis shrugged as I walked over to where he was kneeling on the carpet, resting my hands on his shoulders. "And I couldn't pass up an excuse to see you beautiful." He murmured, and I smiled, ducking down to kiss him lightly. "Call me soft, but I did miss you."

"I missed you too." I admitted. He'd only been away for three days, but it had been the weekend, which we'd usually have used to spend some time together. 

Travis smiled, pulling me down to sit on his lap on the ground. I draped my arms around his neck as he kissed me again, holding me close. Then there was a knock on the door and we looked over to see Abigail standing there, smiling to herself.

"Gross but adorable." She told us as I got to my feet. "Van's here to take your stuff."

"Oh great, thanks." I nodded.

We moved all of the boxes and everything out to the van, which didn't take too long since I didn't have an awful lot of stuff. When we were finished, I hugged Abigail tightly and promised to call her later before getting in my car. Travis came with me, bringing his car as well to the new apartment. My apartment was the one on the first floor, so it was easy enough to take everything inside, and then the van left.

"Ugh, I don't feel like unpacking this all again right now!" I sighed, flopping down on the couch. 

"Well maybe just unpack the bed so you've got a place to sleep tonight." Travis chuckled, leaning over the back of the couch and kissing my forehead.

"I'll sleep right here." I told him.

"Is that right?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Or I'll just invade your house again." I murmured, lifting my arms up around his neck.

Travis smiled fondly at me, leaning further over to press his lips to mine. I gave a light tug, urging him over the back of the couch onto the cushions with me. Travis held himself up as we made out slowly, brushing his tongue against mine. I gasped into his mouth at the intensity of his kiss, my body flushing as his hips settled against mine.

We hadn't really talked about sex again, hadn't mentioned it. We'd fooled around, sure, but not too much since we'd agreed to take it slow. But now, the way he kissed me made heat rush between my legs, made me craved him inside me. I shifted, wrapping my legs around his waist as Travis dipped his head to kiss my neck slowly.

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