twenty nine

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I was in my fourth class of the day, taking one of my year twelve classes through the rubric of their next assignment when my phone lit up and I glanced down. Hiding a smile, I reached down to flip my phone over, not wanting to get distracted. Jack had sent me the finished track.

When the bell rang for lunch and I'd dismissed the class, I quickly grabbed my phone and called Travis. Biting my lip, I waited as it rung.

"What, you can't walk from your classroom to the gym to talk to me beautiful?" He answered with a chuckle.

"Come see me." I whispered. "I have a surprise for you."



"Okay." Travis sounded like he was smiling. "Five minutes."

"I love you." I murmured.

"I love you too." Travis whispered.

He came in a few minutes later, closing the door behind him. I smiled up at him as he came over, taking my face in his hands and tilting it up to kiss me lightly.

"So what's the surprise?" Travis murmured when he pulled back.

"Sit." I patted the chair I'd pulled up next to mine.

"You're being weird beautiful, but I'll let it go because you're cute." Travis winked at me and I giggled as he sat down.

"Put this in." I handed him one of the earbuds that I'd plugged into my phone, placing the other one in my ear.

"What for?" 

"Just do it." I rolled my eyes at him. Travis chuckled but put the earbud in. "Okay." I whispered.

Reaching for my phone, I opened the email Jack had sent me and clicked on the attached track. A little nervous, I tapped to open it, waited until it loaded, and then hit play. I turned my phone off and set it down on the desk, looking up at Travis as the song started to play in my ear. He frowned, obviously confused. Then my voice came in and his eyes widened, meeting mine.

"Is this..." He whispered, trailing off. I nodded, biting down on a smile. "Oh beautiful." Travis rested a hand on my leg.

We sat there in silence as we listened to the whole song. I loved the look on Travis' face as we listened, at the way he gazed at me. Tears welled up in his eyes as it finished, and he slowly took the earbud out. I pulled mine out and set it on the table, nervously holding in a breath as I waited for him to say something.

"Beautiful, that's incredible." Travis said quietly after a long moment of silence. "You wrote all of that?"

"It took me a while." I said sheepishly. "I wanted to make it perfect."

"It is perfect." Travis rested a hand on my cheek. "You are so incredible. I love you." I smiled, my shoulders relaxing.

"I love you too." I told him. "I'll send you the track so you can have a copy. That's our song now, just for us."


Once the school day was over, I packed up and drove into town, needing to do some grocery shopping. Grabbing a trolley, I took my crumpled list out of my purse and spread it out, scanning my penciled scrawl.

It didn't take me too long to get everything I needed, and once I'd got everything off my list, I did one last scan of the shelves to see if there was anything else I hadn't written down. Pushing my trolley down the aisles, I glanced at the shelves lazily before I paused, my eyes catching on the top shelf.

I pressed my lips together, thinking. Was I overthinking this? I guess I had been kind of tired lately, and it wasn't just that. There'd been a few tiny things, so small I'd barely noticed, but as I stared at the pregnancy tests, I put everything together. Maybe I was being paranoid, maybe I was getting a cold or something, but I reached out and took one anyway. Swallowing nervously, I dropped it into my cart. Couldn't hurt to check. 

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