Chapter 1 : Intro

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*VAS HAPPENIN'? We're Butter and Scotch and this is our first attempt to write a book. Please be kind we don't have much experience but we are trying our best....but if you love drama you are just going to eat our book up JK. Please comment and tell us your inputs. We would love reading them ^_^ We promise to comment back. Shoutout to Cookie who we just love maybe a bit just too much. We were too lazy to edit, so eh. We have copyrights.

The picture on the side is of Andy, played by Grant Gustin. *double drools* HE'S A FREAKIN' SEX GOD! <3

Enjoy the book. PEACE! B|*

Chapter 1 : Intro

Andy's POV~

"Yo, AnDICK, have you seen my pack of condoms?"

I sighed. "Why do you need condoms?",I yelled back.

"Duh, to have safe sex?"

Like I didn't know that.

My twin brother, Marc, is the biggest jerkass born on the face of the planet.

Although I'm only a minute younger to him, I'm more mature and I have my priorities sorted, unlike my brother, who wants to bang everything that comes in his way (including his bed).

"Why condom'S'? Aren't you going out with Nicole?"

"Baby bro, today's game night. I got cheerleaders to bang."

"But what about Nicole? Don't you think that you should be loyal to her? You're her boyfriend, after all."

Suddenly, Marc stood in front in me and gave me that 'look' the one when he comes to know that his porn account is blocked due to over usage.

"Nigga, you gay? Just do what I told you." yelled Marc.

After swimming through his pile of junk, he gave up and left, saying he'll stop at the medical store before the game.

The game started at 6pm. It was already 5 and I had to pick my buddy, Tamara. Tamara and I have been best friends since kindergarten. Tamara was blonde-haired, skinny and pretty, in a way, but she never stood out to me that way. We were, what some people called us, 'Nerds'. But I disagree, we were just different. *and lemme kiss youuuuuu.......sung the radio* "One Direction seriously?" said Tamara as she entered the car breaking my train of thought.

"Jealous much?" I said trying for a failed attempt as a comeback.

"NO, Gay much!" she yelled as we laughed together.

Sometimes I wonder what if somebody would hear our conversations....we would clearly be locked up for this shit!

"So, do you think my boobs are growing big or my bra has just shrunk?" asked Tamara

"No Tamara, you cannot just ask people such stuff!"

:/ Talk about weird conversations.

No parking space available. Fuck my life.

"Ooh check out the corner its perfect."

Just before taking a turn, Nicole's car parks in. Well to be honest, I did not really mind. Nicole was like a Greek Goddess. She reached just above my shoulder. Confidence shined out of her. I used to constantly see her around my house 'cause she was dating my jerk of a brother, Marc. I've never had the nerve to talk to her, but she knew I existed and that was a blessing in disguise itself. Watching her make out sessions with my brother have always been disturbing 'cause I've had a massive crush on her since I hit puberty.

"That bitch just stole our spot. Look at her, she thinks she owns this place. I think she hasn't shopped since elementary school. I can practically see her butt wobbling under that miniskirt." Tamara ranted.

"Fuck off. Mellons is just jealous, isn't she?" Tamara glared at me and punched my arm. Her full name was Tamara Mellons and yeah, she hated it. I mean, anyone would hate it if their last name was Mellons. It was embarrassing for her, and I get it, seeing that Marc always called me AnDICK in front of his friends, including Nicole.

"Whatever, forget it. Lets go." She said, as she got out of my car.

"And where do I park, in your ass? Save me a seat, I'll be there in a few."


Soo.....what do y'all think? Was it satisfactory or passable? LOL we don't wanna know. Just tell us its good :P*

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