Chapter 5- Confrontations

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Chapter 5~ Confrentations

*Credits to Butter cause she wrote most of the chapter ‘pretty much all of it’. Anyway Butter has gone to Austria for a vacation so can we please vote for this chapter and show her some love, she would really love it <3. Anywhoo we saw perks of being a wallflower yesterday and I would like to mention how beautiful Emma Watson is and her amazing talent O.O

So Andy is going to confront Nicole in this chapter, no points for guessing cause it’s all written down below *_*

Vote and comment if you like it. Btw so many reads already that’s awesome. We thought nobody would read it. We love you guys.

                                               -Scotch signing out xoxo*

Andy’s POV

I went to school not at all prepared for ‘the talk’ but what had to be done just had to be done. As I walked past the school grounds I saw Nicole stand by the entrance of the school building. She looked breath taking but that is how she looks all the time. I don’t care if I get cheesy at times but its just the plain truth.

I quickly whipped my hand over my head to fix my hair as I saw her notice me. I gave her a huge grin approaching towards her but she totally blew me off. She walked inside with her girlfriends pretending she never knew me like always.

I had to admit, Nicole ignoring me felt like crap. I keep looking at her and all she does is look right through me. She doesn’t even acknowledge my presence. I mean, seriously, I had sex with her. Sure, she thought I was Marc but that doesn’t change what we did yesterday, what we felt yesterday.

“Hello…? Earth to Andy?” I heard Tamara speak behind me.

“Huh?” I replied stupidly, as I closed my locker.

“You weren’t listening to me were you?” She gave me the cold stare. “Anyway, I was saying that I had the worst time of my life yesterday. You shouldn’t have left me alone to baby sit Maggie.” Maggie was Tamara’s younger sister.

“I’m sorry, but that kid scares the shit out of me.” I laughed.

Tamara punched my arm playfully as she walked me to my Russian History class.

As we entered I heard a very familiar laugh. That sweet, beautiful laugh! Even Nicole had Russian History. How could I forget that? I mentally danced in my head. I can finally confront her about last night. I sat diagonally behind her. This was my chance.

“Psst Nicole? Psst.” I hissed. No reaction. Jeez, that was rude.

“Nicole you can’t ignore me forever. And you also can’t ignore what happened between us last night.” I went on.

“Will you please stop talking?” she finally replied. “I have a reputation in this school and a boyfriend, who happens to be your twin brother.”

“Yeah, a brother who doesn’t care about his girlfriend.”

She glared at me. “How dare you? Marc and I are perfectly fine. And last night was a mistake.”

“Miss Summers, would you mind repeating what I just said?” a voice called from ahead. Mr. Johnson, our Russian History teacher asked her a question.

“Umm….” Nicole said, as she fumbled for words.

“That’s not what I said. Detention for you, and who were you talking to? Yes, Andrew Hamilton, you too will be in detention after school.”

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