Chapter 11: Misunderstandings and proposals

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*Yello :D This is chapter 11 (Say whaaaaa?) We hope you like it. Comment and vote. xx."

Andy’s POV~ 

I woke up at 6 am sharp, mostly because of Marc’s phone call.

“Dickhead, where the fuck are you?”

“Huh? Uhh, I crashed at Tamara’s place.” I replied, groggily.

“You what?!”

“I slept over at Tamara’s.” I repeated, getting frustrated by him.

“I heard you, asshole. I’m kinda shocked she agreed to let you stay at her place.”

“Why is that such a shock? We’re friends.”

“Isn’t she into that celibacy till marriage crap?”

“Just cut to the chase. Why did you call?”

“So, she gave in, huh?”

“No, Marc. Now will you tell me why you called?”

“Pity. Nothing, I thought you promised to practice with me everyday before school?”

“Starting today?” Damn. I was in no mood to practice with Marc.

“Yes, bitch. You have ten minutes to get your ass here.” Marc hung up.

Shit. What I would give to just not see him ever again. Looking at him just makes me feel like crap, because he got chosen over me by Nicole. Nicole, the most beautiful girl in this school, chose the most popular boy of the school. That is just so cliché. Why couldn’t she try and be original for once and go for the underdog?

I got up from the bed and my eyes fell upon Tamara. Yesterday was truly a blur. I nearly had sex with Tamara, but I’m so glad I didn’t. I didn’t want to spoil what we had between us. This was the third time I actually slept over at her place, in her bed. But didn’t really sleep with her.

I mentally laughed at my lame play with words. In order not to wake Tamara up, I carefully grabbed all my stuff, and left for the early morning practice with Marc.


“Right on time, bitch!” Marc said as I huffed my way to court.

“Sorry, I tried to come ASAP. I even ran, bro.”

“You shall be pardoned for today.” Say what?

“Pardoned? Isn’t that a word too big for your dictionary?”

“Nicole taught it to me.” He said, as he shot a basket. “She thought it would be a good way to repay me, after all that I taught her, if you know what I mean.” He winked and passed the ball to me.

 I almost dropped the catch. “Uhh, too much information, dude.”

It hurt like hell. Marc kept on talking about Nicole and I couldn’t help but get all teary from inside. Its sucked to have the girl of my dreams sexing someone else. It sucked that she betrayed me and my trust. It sucked that I was so madly in love with her.

At around 7.15 am, Marc got a call from Nick saying that he was getting his ride today. Perfect, now I don’t need to go with Marc, Nicole and Nick in Nick’s car. I was so glad.

“So, douchebag, get ready. We’re gonna ride with Nick today.”

“Do I have to come?” I pleaded.

“Of course you do, you moron. You’re with your elder brother now, and we Hamiltons, ride in style.”  As he entered the house doing gangnam style which made no sense. I honestly don’t get it why he was chosen over me.

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