Chapter 4 : The Mistake.

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Chapter 4: The Mistake.

Andy’s POV:


She thought I was Marc. I mean obviously we are twins and we are bound to look alike. And Nicole is drunk off her ass to notice any differences.

I just pushed her away for the moment and run to the washroom.

What was I thinking? Nicole and I were obviously not meant to be together.

I splashed water on my face and went back to the room ready to apologize to her.

I practiced it a bit on the mirror but I hope it works, I hope she can forgive me. I felt like crap. I was hurt. All my thoughts about her and I being together just seemed like thoughts and reality. They will never be true, even in my wildest dreams.

She was lying on the bed, looking beautiful. She wasn’t facing me, so I guess it was good. I did not want to see her sad face and realize that the next stream of tears were going to be because of me. The pang of anger hit me again.

“Nicole, I am sorry but I have to tell you that it has not been Marc this whole time. It has been me, his brother, Andy.”

I pause for a while for her response but she did not reply.

I assumed she might be taking her time to understand this situation so I just continued speaking.

“But I have always loved you, even seeing from far used to make my day. I am sorry for whatever happened but I want to be with you, Nicole. I love you. It has always been you, my life just feels incomplete without you. My brother has been a jerk to you but you do not need to feel that way, I can change it. I can make you feel loved the way you never have been before just give us a chance Nicole I know I can do it.”

I go forward to take her hand in my hand until it strikes me, she was asleep.


So she was asleep the whole time. Did she even hear anything I just said?

I just see her lay there, I put a blanket above her and lay down next to her gazing at her beautiful face until I dozed off


Marcs POV~

“Your brother is not such a loser after all. You won the game but he is scoring back there.” Nick  said in his cocky voice.

Wait, was Nick implying that my brother is actually getting laid?

‘FINALLY’ I thought.

I always imagined that my loser brother was gonna die alone.

I like my brother, I want the best for him.

Sure I am rude and pass snarky comments but that does not mean I don’t like him.

I just want him to be a little cooler like…let’s see who is the coolest person alive, oh ya that’s ‘ME’. But wait, didn’t I see Nicole entering my brother’s room? Did they….? Naah, couldn’t be. Nicole was as faithful and loyal to me as a dog, or in her case, a bitch.


I am gonna get him to be just like me.


 ‘A toast to brand new beginnings’ I said as we crashed the beers mugs.

Andy’s POV~

Uggghh I feel groggy

But I don’t mind. I just had the best dream. Well you could put it this way I was no more a virgin. Well, mentally atleast. Last night’s dream was really wild.

As I got out of my bed, I looked down. WHY ON EARTH AM I NAKED?

Then it struck me. I wasn’t dreaming, everything was real, it really happened. Seems like Nicole has left off without any warning or goodbye. Things are going to get awkward, but after last night I can’t leave things hanging between us.

I need to know whether she heard any of the stuff I told her last night. She deserves somebody better and I am going to ask her to be with me. I’ve made up my mind.

I know I am not like Marc but maybe she can try…...try and think that maybe we can have a future of our own someday!



I yelled walking down towards the dining room.

I could just smell the bacon and eggs aroma coming from the kitchen. Bacon and eggs are my brother’s favorite and this has been happening since a week.  I swear to God if I eat bacon once again I will start farting this shit out.

“You know you are not adopted ‘cause I am the living proof of it……….. Anyway I really need to talk to you. I know you slept with someone last night and the source is a pretty reliable one.” Marc said with a serious concerned look.

“I know it was your hippie friend, Nick, you fool, that ass hole had walked in on us.” I replied not amused at all. My brother just said he wanted to talk something and serious talks for my brother of course had to involve sex.


“So what?”I snaped back at him.

“Are you going to tell me who is the girl or not?” Marc started getting frustrated which could be heard in his voice.

“I choose not. Well unlike you I respect a woman’s choice of privacy and anyway I am not like other guys to boast after having coitus.” I said in a lower tone.

“DID YOU JUST SAY COITUS? BWAHAHAHAHHAHA….seems like somebody has been  attending sex lectures in P.E class.” Marc shot out.

“Whatever marc!”

“Anyway, what I wanted to speak about was about Tom. Tom is leaving town to join a new school and we have a new spot available in the team. I have seen you play around and you are good. I think it’s worth a shot.  The least you could do is come at the try outs.”

Marc grabbed his jacket, car keys and rushed out.

 This gave me a bit of space to think about the try outs while shoving the bacon in my mouth. Try outs seemed like a good idea cause I love the game and I am averagely good. But what I hate are those jocks, they think just ‘cause they are in the team they are the coolest people on earth. Even an unattractive person could date any girl he likes if he makes it into the team, attitude just oozes out of them. Is the love for the game enough for me to make an effort to actually tryout? I need to ask Tamara about it. She knows me in and out just the way I know about one direction.

Its oh so Complicated!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें