Chapter 12: Beers and queers.

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*Woot, chapter 12. Yay! :D Comment and vote. The photo on the side is of George Craig and the video is his song 'Say You Dont Want It' :D Enjoy xx*

Nick’s POV~

 “Yeah, I’ll see you around, babe. I’m sorry it did not turn out the way you expected.” I said softly and kissed her on the cheeks.

This is the third date I’ve been on this week, which was set up by Marc. I just don’t like it that Marc is trying to set me up. I appreciate the effort he put up. I mean, I get that he hates seeing me lonely and basically needs someone for double dates but, he does not understand me. I am not what he thinks I am.


My phone vibrated. I just had a mini heart attack as I thought my dick was malfunctioning. Silly me. I mentally facepalmed. I should really stop wearing such loose pants with deep pockets.

I checked my phone. I’d got a message from Marc.

How was the date with Claire, bitch?’

I was too lazy to text back so I just called him up instead.

*My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and their like it better than yours* Uh. What the fuck? I can’t believe Marc would actually put this as his caller tune.

“Namaste, motherfucker.”  Marc greeted me.

“Why namaste?” Crap, why did I even ask?

“MILF is into yoga nowadays.” Yes, Marc calls his own mom a MILF.

“Ew, whatever. Would you like to tell me why the hell is your caller tune ‘Milkshake’?” I asked.

“Cause it brings a touch of feminism to my over use of masculinity.” Marc replied. That doesn’t even make sense. Its moments like these where I have the need to question myself that why, for the love of humanity, am I even friends with him.

“So how was the date? Wait, is she still with you? I am so proud of you! I have kept condoms in your wallet. Just ask her which one she prefers. There is chocolate, strawberry, scented and even dotted. Knowing Claire she would be into kinky. I say choose dotted ‘cause y’know, every little thing matters…..” Marc kept babbling on, not letting me say a word.

“HOLD YOUR BALLS IN THE UNDIES, SLUT!” I had to yell for him to shut up.

When he finally shut up, I said, “The date was not good. We had no similar interests and she kept ranting about her ex. She is still stuck up on him. Do me a favor and stop trying to set me up with anymore chicks. Anyway I got a gig right now, so I’ll catch you later tomorrow.”

“Okay, asshole. See ya.” Beep. I ended the call.

I drove around for almost half an hour. I took out my guitar from the backseat and entered the bar.

‘Adam and the Adams.’ The board read. Now that’s something original.

Well, as everybody must have guessed by now, it was a gay bar. I’ve been coming here to perform since I started my band, and I’ve grown to like this place. It’s weird, but I feel like I can be myself here. I don’t need to pretend to be someone or something else. I have been hiding this truth from everyone for quite sometime. I’ve tried to deny it and I’ve also tried to hide it by going on dates with other girls, no one too seriously. The last girl I dated seriously was Nicole. When we broke up she asked me whether I was gay, but I said no, I just needed space. But she didn’t believe me that time, and I still don’t think she buys my crap. Thank God my obsession with drugs irritates her more.

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