Chapter 3 : The Party

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 *Soo….. we were totally inspired to upload more chaps. :3 We’re so excited :D

Scotch : I love the readers even they are not much <3_<3 *throws cheetos on Butter*

Butter : *removes cheetos from hair* Holla to y’all.

So the picture on the side is of Nicole, played by Nina Dobrev. She plays Elena in The Vampire Diaries.

Butter : I think I have a crush on her.

Scotch: Lesbo… O_O

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(sorry for not editing) 

Chapter 3: The Party.

“Umm Nicole…damn this is not what it looks like.” I stammered.

“Yes, ‘cause this totally does not look like you making out with a drunk chick who clearly does not even attend our school. Since when did you stoop so low, Marc? I expected more from you.” Nicole cried running away.

It did sting, I genuinely cared about Nicole. I knew she had been loyal to me and she always saw me for the guy I could be. I felt like shit for hurting her but it was not the first time I cheated on her, I want to be with her but with all these skanks I am surrounded with, its hard to remain loyal. Every time I see an ass move about I just go crazy frenzy…I just blame these teenage hormones. They are all out of this world, going nuts every time I see a sweet thang.

Jeez did I just say thang? HORMONES I TELL YA, BLOODY HORMONES!!!

I run behind her but she enters my brother’s room banging the door on my face. I could not wallow in self-pity at the moment. I just won the match with the winning score I could not let this drama bring me down. So instead, I went down to the beer keg, where everyone chimed along.





This is exactly what I need right now, not this mega bullshit!

Andy’s POV~

I hate two things in this world. One - My brother, Marc and two - Marc's ridiculous after parties. The whole house is a wreck and the bathrooms are a site for a herpes infection to begin. My brother’s room is another place.

Great just bloody great, another drunken shit face has entered my room. I made a mental note to buy a new lock since Marc broke the old one. As I enter my room from the bathroom, I see Nicole sitting on my bed. AM I HALLUCINATING OR WHAT?

Who cares, I was just too pleased to see her but seems like she was not that pleased to see me.

Her eyes, brown like chocolate were looking perfect now, as they were watery. I felt intense anger rise within me at the spur of the moment. I just wanted to destroy anything and everything that had hurt her.

“He is a complete jerk, I can bet you already he is probably grinding against someone else.” she said softly.

She knew I was present in the room. I did not have to ask her who she was talking about or debate something else ‘cause I knew what breed my brother belonged to. He was extremely insensitive about people’s feelings, but deep within it did not matter how much remorse I felt. I could not have done anything to change it. He will always be the confident and arrogant player he has been and I would always remain the shy one who could only imagine loving Nicole in his wildest dreams.

“Why do you still date him when you know you can do so much better? You deserve better Nicole.” I said.

“Its not that easy….” she started. “He is fun to be around, he has a good heart somewhere deep within, I know it, but it seems like he is not interested to be that guy. This fake popularity and status seems to be messing with his head.” she cried.

“Don’t do this to yourself.” I stated. “You deserve someone who will reciprocate your love back with care and understanding and more love. You do not need to bend yourself backwards for someone who does not feel the same way you do.”

Suddenly, I felt Nicole’s hand clasp my collar as she started kissing me. It was soft kiss, not frantic or sexual. Her soft lips felt good against mine. As if it wanted to say thanks for consoling her.

This was the first time we had spoken, if you do not count the ‘pass me the juice bottle’ a month ago. I know this is not going to turn out good but it felt just right. It felt perfect.


My head hit against her as she deepened the kiss. I could now taste the alcohol she had, she was in fact reeking of alcohol. I did not realize that Nicole had been drinking this whole time.. .  IS THIS A MISTAKE? DOES SHE WANT THIS? WILL SHE REMEMBER ME TOMORROW?

 She put her arms around my neck and she kissed me harder. I put my arms on her back and bit her lower lip, asking permission for taking it a step further. I kissed her on her neck, on her collar.

Questions started to bombard my head again as she deepened the kiss once more as I forgot what I was thinking and just craved to be with her atleast for those few seconds even if she does not remember me. I will always love her and be around as a protector if she needs one.

I will always be there for her.


The music blasted louder than before snapping me back….wait what am I doing, this is Nicole here. The same Nicole who is dating my brother, the same Nicole I always had a crush on and did not even know I existed till lately.

I started pushing her away but she kept fighting me

 “I am sorry you are right” she started mumbling.  “Uh, we can make it work” she blabbered again with few words slobbering about.

Did I just hear that right? Did she just say that we could make it work? This is what I have always wanted, since the moment I’ve seen her. It’s all my heart keeps ranting about.

“Maybe we are not so fucked up after all.” she continued.

Okay, now I’m just confused. What is she talking about? But who cares, all I knew was she wanted to give me…’US’ a chance.

I opened the first few buttons of her top. She did the rest.

Yes, I was a virgin but there is nobody else I wanted to do it with. She was always the ONE for me. I knew she was drunk and the only thought at the back of happy filled thoughts at the moment was the thought that she might regret this tomorrow.

But I could not let that come in the way now.

We were one right now.

I did not feel invisible anymore.

My heart said only one thing “LOVE.”

I did not just like her anymore and I was sure it was not an infatuation. I am deeply in love with her.

Me, lying next to her, felt perfect.


“Oh shit, Nick just saw us doing it.” giggled Nicole between our kisses.

“I should really change my lock, but let that not interrupt what we were doing.” I snapped ‘cause I just wanted to continue, not chat about it and it did not seem to bother her.

“You mean your brothers lock, silly. I feel bad for your brother ‘cause we are going to ruin his sheets.” she giggles again.

*Writing Marc's POV was kinda challenging, but I think we gave him justice. People please tell us what you think about the story so far.

We promise to upload some more tomorrow. For now, adios.*

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