Chapter 8 : Liar liar, pants on fire.

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*Yay! Two chapters in a day. Say what, say whaa? ^_^ So this one can get kinda confusing but believe us, we dont mean to confuse your little minds at all. Its all a part of the game. 

Scotch : I just saw Iron Man 3 today. It awesome. *drools while thinking about Robert Downey Jr.*

Butter : You saw it before me. Biatch.

Whatevs. Anyway have fun. Please comment and vote, and dont lose hope. The story is gonna get better.*

PS - The picture on the side is of Nicole played by Nina Dobrev. God, she is such a bomb.PPS - The video is 'Say You're Just A Friend by Austin Mahone. He is Butter's new found stalkee (Butter: Hey! :O) She thought this song fits this chapter. ^_^

Nicole’s POV~

“Hey, beautiful.”

I turned around to find my boyfriend, Marc, standing behind me with his hands encircling my waist. He kissed me on my collar and then my cheek.

“You should be arrested for looking so killer.” He said, kissing my neck.

“Try these lines on someone else.” I giggled and pushed him away playfully.

“Not so easy.”

He pulled me into him and crashed his lips onto mine. He kissed me so passionately, and I kissed him back. Our lips were in sync, melting into one another. I bit his lower lip and he parted his lips. Our tongues clashed. He smelled of after shave, and that is the biggest turn on for me. I just wanted to take him inside an empty classroom and rip his clothes off.

“Jeez, guys, get a room.”

Marc broke our kiss and grinned at Nick.

“WASSSSSUP?” They hi-fived.

“Nick you always interrupt us. Don’t you have some other work to do, like maybe hang out with those stoner buddies of yours?” I sneered at him.

“Hey, I only hang with them to get the weed. I honestly think they’re a bunch of losers who get stoned for no reason.”

“Oh, so now you finally know what I think of you.”

“Ouch, babe. Give it a rest.” Marc said, stopping a fight between me and Nick.

Nick glared at me and walked away. Nick and I had a history. We used to go out a couple of times before I got together with Marc. He was… do I say this? He was the most eligible high schooler in freshman year. All the girls wanted to date him and wanted to go down on him. Nick was really, a three in one package, in my opinion. He was good looking and attractive. His long hair came down on his face and there was this bored expression which was always stuck to his face (it looked sexy). He played the guitar and is the lead singer in his band. Lastly, he was in the basketball team.  But apparently, after dating me, he lost his interest in all girls and got into drugs and alcohol. I kind of started hating him for that. He thought no girl was worthy enough for him. People thought he was gay, but after taking a good look at him, they realized how wrong they were.

“Yo Big D, get in here.” Marc yelled, breaking my chain of thought. He was calling Andy. Crap, Marc’s kisses made me forget about Andy completely. I’m such a whore.

“What did you call me?” Andy replied, after dodging through a big crowd in the hall.

“Big D.”

“Why?” Andy rolled his eyes as if he knew he was going to get a ridiculous answer. I mentally chuckled inside my head.

I picked up a water bottle to drink water from it. The heat was too much in our dingy little school hall.

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