Chapter 6- Complicationns

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*Sorry for the late update guys but its hard to write without butter and this chapter is a little sucky so sorry again. Will definitely try to update sooner. Love you please vote and comment*

Marcs POV-

“Whose call was that Marc?” Nick called out across the basketball court.

“That was Andy he wants me to help him get back in shape for the game but you can’t tell anybody about this Nick. You have always known that I cared about Andy but he never gave me the chance to get to him, today he has asked me to help him and I sure as hell can’t deny it. You have to help me get to him. 9 tonight at my backyard.

“Sure thing but I might be a little late, you see I got a date tonight” said Nick

AGAIN! Nick has been gone M.I.A for a really long time. Every time I need him, he is gone for some date or he has family crisis or his dog is sick. Was Nick trying to avoid me or was I hallucinating this. I mentally made a note to stalk him and investigate around But later cause I’ve got to help out my blood sibling first.









*7 hours and two pizza’s later*

“SCOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” yelled Andy as the ball flew into the basket.

JesusMaryJoseph this kid was a pure professional. “Where did you learn to play like that?” I asked still shocked that this amateur was beating the shit out of me. I was secretly glad that we were practicing during the dark and nobody was around to watch this.                  


“What??? Who is Louis and what has that got to do with anything?” I yelled in utter confusion.

“Geez I mean Louis from One direction” -_-

“You mean that gay band!” I burst out laughing hysterically.

“They are not gay they are really talented singers.” Andy said as I continued laughing.

“Marc can I get serious for a minute I wanted to tell something about last night”

Andy’s POV~

Marc can I get serious for a minute I wanted to tell something about last night” I said.

Its true I did have feelings for Nicole but she is dating my brother at the end of the day. I feel I keep cheating on him. I need to tell him what happened last night as a sincere brother before my conscience eats me up.

“Tell me what’s bugging you?” panted Marc as he kept dribbling the ball.

“Uhmmmm last night your girlfriend…” I started but got interrupted by Marc

“We had a fight last night Nicole and Me.. but still she looked bomb in her little red dress in which her boobs looked amazing.”

“Ewww Marc. That was disgusting. I did not want to know that.”




A message that also at 11:30 p.m.….i thought it would be from Tamara wooohooooo its NICOLE.

‘MEET ME AT MY PLACE IN 10’it read.

 I was shocked to see that Nicole even had my number. But still to see my crush I would have even gone at 2 in the night.

After reading the message there I see the dude nick enters after his so called DATE.

“HEY AMIGOOOOOOOO” Nick screams.

“Byeooooooooooooooo guys. Have a massive headache. Need rest before  I drain out for the try outs.”

I was blushing the whole way as I was excited meeting her. Its not everyday somebody like Nicole calls you to meet her.

 I reached her gate and there I see Nicole in her pink cute shorts. She greeted me with a hug. The hug lasted for a little while, it felt sympathetic as if she was going to deny everything between us. She took my hand in hers and walked towards her backyard.

My heart was beating so fast that it could just break the rib cage and blast any moment. I knew she was going to deny everything between us. I got ready to start begging and pleading to give me another shot. I parted my lips to speak when her lips just crashed into mine. I did not bother trying to speak again as I got into it. My happiness knew no bound. I could not even feel my heartbeat anymore but maybe that’s because she stole my heart.

She broke the kiss and started to talk. I thought about us Andy and I think I want to give it a try. I don’t want to be with someone who does not realize my value. I can’t waste my time trying to run behind people anymore.

We kissed again but this time it was more soft and filled with passion. This was the kiss people normally crave for.

“HOLY FUCK ANDY RUN, 911!!” I heard Tamara’s voice as I saw Nick and Marc enter from the front gate.

I saw Marc and Nick enter. I wanted Marc to know the truth but not this way, I didn’t want him to feel cheated. I ran for now but this can’t continue for long.

Tamara’s POV:

“As the stars twinkle in the night sky just for youuu… goodnight lulu” I sang to my baby sister her favorite lullaby as she fell asleep on the laundry basket. Yes my sister is a little more weird than I expected to be but I can’t blame her it just kind of runs in our family. I carried my angel looking sister towards her bed as she barked in her dreams. I kissed her goodnight once again as I walked towards the window.

Geeez I hate the fact that my neighbor is slutty Nicole. The first view I get is Nicole’s backyard but its not that bad cause her backyard is beautiful, it’s surrounded by imported flowers from all around the world.

Great she and her dumb jock of a boyfriend Marc making out again. Eewww my eyes are burning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait is that Nick and Marc at the front gate?

“HOLY FUCK ANDY RUN, 911!!” I yelled as loud as my lungs could handle.

*ok so I know this has three POV’s in only one chapter but it involves Tamara’s POV so YAY I guess -_-‘*

Its oh so Complicated!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora