Chapter 14: My heart's like a switch.

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*Hey guys! This is chapter 14. Woohoo!! Sorry for not uploading earlier. Hope you enjot it! Pleas comment and vote, and tell you friends about us, will ya? Xx*

Andy’s POV~

“So how are you feeling?” Tamara asked me as she got into my car.

“About Nicole? I feel great.  I don’t need her to make or break my life.” I ranted as I turned on the ignition and stepped on the acceleration.

“That’s nice, but I was talking about the game. The one you played right now, remember?” She laughed and pinched my cheeks.

“Oh.” I felt a little embarrassed. “Well, I absolutely love the game so it was awesome. Felt really cool in the Knights’ jersey, and practically every cheerleader was staring at me.” I laughed.

“Yeah, you bet. You so want to be like Marc, don’t you?” She turned completely towards me.

“Ha-ha, no.” I said, with my face looking straight ahead at the road.

“C’mon. You’ve slept with Nicole, the most popular and hottest girl of this school. What’s to keep you from sleeping with her again?”

“Marc.” I said. “And seriously? Is this how you want to spend the night? Talking about me and Nicole? If thats the case then I’m totally gonna drive you home.”

Her jaw dropped. “Bloody loser. Fine, we wont talk about this.”

“Good girl.” I replied and made a kissey face for her. She just laughed at me and looked ahead.

We reached my home and soon we were ambushed by my dad. “Son, how was your first game? Sorry I couldnt come. Duty calls.” He shrugged.

“It was amazing, dad. I scored twenty points, just four behind Marc.” I replied, feeling really proud of myself.

“That’s brilliant, son. Speaking of, where is your brother?” He asked.

“Oh, uhhh, he’s spending time with his girlfriend. He said not to wait up for him.” I looked at Tamara and told her to go up in my room.

“Not so soon, young lady. Are you on birth control pills tonight?”

Say what now? “Dad!” I yelled, while Tamara’s eyes became wide.

“What? I’m just saying that I’m too young and handsome to be a grandfather so soon and y’all should use protection.”

“Mr. Hamilton, I assure you that no such thing is gonna happen.  I practice celibacy till marriage.” She smiled at my dad and went up to my room.

“Dad, what was that? You know she and I are just friends.”

“You know, your dad and I were ‘just friends’ once too.” My mom came out from the kitchen and pecked my father on the lips.

‘Uhh, whatever.” I threw my hands up and started climbing the stairs. “Dad, you may be too young and handsome to be a grandfather, but you and mom are too old for all this PDA.” I laughed and went up to my room. I was sure I heard my mom kiss my dad as I left.

“Hey, sorry about my dad. He’s getting older and older day by day.” I said as I closed my bedroom door. “Oh my God, where did you find these?” I was horrified at the sight of Tamara holding my box of condoms. I quickly grabbed them away from her.

She was laughing hysterically. “So, you’re totally packing.”

“These are just my safety condoms.” I shoved them deep into my drawer. “Stop laughing okay? I’m already so embarrassed.”

Its oh so Complicated!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora