Chapter 7

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Calypso's POV

This is my only escape. The Selection is my only escape from the life of solitude that I live.

The TV is on and I'm paying attention. I'm sitting on my bed, which is in one of my two rooms. The other is my kitchen/dining room.

"Now for the Five's of the Selection."

I lean in closer, shoving away a spool of wool in the process.

"Karissa Fulcher from Denbeigh."

A girl with short blond hair and blue/gray eyes is on the screen, replacing the image of the announcer.

"Lauren Sherman from St. George."

A pretty girl with straight blond hair that reaches her shoulders is on the screen. Her blue eyes shine brightly in the light.

"Nicole Sherman from St. George."

A girl identical to the one before is on. But her face is a little different, more round. And she has less freckles.

"Amanda Robinson from Paloma."

A girl with long brown hair, twisted in a braid replaces the previous image. Her eyes are an interesting color. A dash of freckles on her nose. A green/blue on the outside and a brown in the middle. It's hazel.

"Gwen Thompson from Midston."

A girl with blond hair and brown eyes is on the screen. She also has freckles all over her face.

"Calypso Atlas from Whites."

I do a double take, making sure the picture is one of me. It is. My long blond hair is twisted in a braid, my shirt hanging off my shoulders. For that picture, I put on a dash of makeup.

"That's all of the Five's. Congratulations to all who were Selected."

Finally, I can leave here, stopped by no one. I can become free.

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