The alpha

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Glowing yellows eye staring back at me as I look through my window. I know, I should be asleep by now cause it's twelve past midnight and I have school tomorrow, but these glowing yellow eyes kept staring at me and they have this pull on me.

"Come human girl, come outside and I'll show you."

I jumped at the voice inside my head, because it didn't sound like my voice in my head; sounded like another woman's voice. "Come out where?" I asked the voice in my head.

"Outside, human girl and follow me."

The voice said again. I felt puzzled, I'm the only one in my room and this voice sounds like another person. I got curious, so I talked to the strange voice again. "Follow whom? You're a voice inside my head, aren't you not?" Then I heard laughter?

"Oh, silly human girl. I am not just a voice, don't you see those yellow eyes, yes! Aye, that is me. Now, come... We don't have much time."

I looked up at the yellow eyes and I'm thinking I must be crazy or dreaming. Though, I know I am not; I opened my window and climbed out.

" Come, human girl and follow my paws prints."

Did the voice just say paw prints? I shrugged and did what the voice in my head said. I looked at the ground, there were big dogs like paw prints in the dirt. My heart started to race, and I began to panic.

"Human girl, there is nothing to be afraid of, I'll protect you in danger, must trust."

I nodded, but I didn't know why I would have if no one could see me nod my head. "How much longer is this walk and following going to take? I have school soon and my parents may wake up and notice, I have snuck out." I looked around me, checking my surroundings and being on high alert.
"Not much longer, do not worry about your elders and school, human girl...must trust."

This female voice talks and sounds weird, I have a feeling I am on drugs, and this is a bad trip.

"Come, now see that stump? Go and sit human girl, be patient and trust."

The voice said with a smile, and I could feel the smile in my head. I sat down on the stump and waited for whatever was going to happen. Soon I heard branches and leaves breaking from someone or something walking on them, I began to panic again, and my breathing quickened.

"Calm human girl, it's just me walking towards you. Do not scream on what I am going to show you, must promise me that you will not scream."

The voice said. I blinked, it was the same voice inside my head, but it didn't sound like it was inside my head anymore. " I promise not to scream." I said biting my lip. The voice inside my head was a wolf, a big fluffy she wolfs with yellow eyes; her fur was grayish and almost looked black. " You're a wolf." I blurted out and quickly covered my mouth with my hands out of shock. The wolf sat down in front of me and nodded.

"So are your human girl. The family you are with is not your real family, your parents are full breed shifters."

The she wolf said, I shook my head, I put my hands down to speak. " That's not true, shifters aren't real they're myths and fairy tales." The wolf laughed and shook her head.

"Human girl, full breed shifters have a birthmark of a paw print on the bump on their left hand then on the left wrist it says their rank."

The she wolf says and wraps her tail around her paws.

" I am your wolf, I am you, you are me, and we are one. Your rank is alpha, you are very powerful cause you are the only female shifter that is born into alpha blood. "
The she wolf told me and bowed her head.  "But-" I began to speak, but she cut me off. "

Aye in time you'll know the whole truth about your past. If I sit here and tell you about it, your head will explode."

She pauses and stares at me,

" I just got sick of standing around and watching you live a lie! I told you what you need to know, but when the moon is full and at its highest point white wolves will show up at your window and take you to the place where you belong, and you'll shift. "

She says and looks up at the sky. "won't it hurt to; you know shifted?" I asked, kind of scared. The wolf laughs and shakes her head.

" Human girl, this isn't some werewolf nonsense, it'll come naturally like breathing. You will see, like said before, you must trust. We are one."

She says and turns her back on me and began to walk "Wait! I have so many questions to ask you!" I shouted, then the voice in my head came back.

" All in time human girl, all in time. Trust in me. We are one. "

Then everything around me starts to fade away; I shot up, breathing fast, finding myself in my room and not outside in the woods. I laughed at myself for believing in that crazy dream I had. I looked down at my hands and my eyeball nearly shot out of my face, just as the wolf said the birthmark of full breed shifters would be at. I can't believe the dream was real. I thought to myself, I got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked in my mirror and put on a warrior face. "I am the first female to be born as a full bread shifter," I paused and smirked, " I am an alpha."

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