Trust is for children

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Sophie had always been sheltered, protected from the harsh realities of the world by her parents, who were wealthy and powerful. But when her father was murdered by his own business partner, Sophie was thrust into a world she never knew existed. She had to take over her father's company, and with it came a host of enemies and allies she didn't know who to trust.

One of those allies was a man named Jack, who claimed to have worked closely with her father and was loyal to the family. Sophie trusted him implicitly, but that trust was shattered when she discovered that Jack had been working with her father's killer all along.

"How dare you! I...I trusted you!" Sophie screamed at Jack when he revealed his true allegiance.

"Sweet, naïve little girl. Trust is for children," Jack sneered. "You, my dear, are a soldier. And soldiers can't afford to trust anyone."

Sophie felt a cold knot form in her stomach. She had been foolish to trust anyone in this cutthroat world of business and politics. From now on, she would have to be more careful. She would have to be a soldier.

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