It's not all as it seems

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The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I was on my way to my dream job.

I walked into the office, greeted by my coworkers and a stack of files on my desk. I got to work, feeling productive and accomplished.

Hours passed, but they felt like minutes. I worked through lunch, too engrossed in my tasks to stop.

As the day turned into night, I finally finished everything on my to-do list. I packed up my things and headed out, feeling proud of myself for a job well done.

But something felt off. The air was colder, the streets were emptier. I looked over my shoulder, feeling like I was being watched.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I was on my way home. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. That maybe, just maybe, my dream job wasn't worth the price I'd paid.

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