That's not how i pictured my death

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It was a hell of a way to die. Sam had always imagined that he would go out in a blaze of glory, fighting some epic battle or taking down a notorious criminal. But instead, he found himself lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines and surrounded by his family.

The doctors had told him that his cancer was terminal, and that there was nothing they could do to save him. They had given him just a few months to live, and he had spent that time trying to come to terms with his impending death.

But as he lay there, struggling to breathe and feeling his body gradually shutting down, he realized that he wasn't ready to go yet. There were still so many things he wanted to do, so many experiences he wanted to have.

He thought of his wife and children, and how much he would miss them. He thought of all the places he had never visited, and all the adventures he had never had. And he knew that he couldn't go out like this, lying in a hospital bed with nothing to show for his life.

So he made a decision. He would fight. He would fight against the cancer, against the doctors, against the odds. He would do everything in his power to stay alive, to keep living the life he had always dreamed of.

And in that moment, as he summoned all his strength and willpower, Sam realized that it wasn't a hell of a way to die after all. It was just the beginning of a new chapter in his life, a chapter where he would live every moment to the fullest and make every second count.

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