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"Fuck!" Maeve cursed while slamming her bedroom door. She leans against it and slides down the door.
What did I do wrong?
Maeve put her head on her on her knees
. I really did my best... I was good friend, least I thought I was...
Tears started to roll down her face and she let out a small sob, Maeve knew no one was home, but she still didn't want anyone to hear her in case someone did come home. "Another failed friendship and i didn't get a reason why." She said out loud as she got up from the floor, Maeve went to her desk and opened her laptop. Maeve went to her anonymous app, where you could post anything, and no one would know who posted it. It's like Instagram and Facebook, but everyone's post is anonymous. She saw a post about old friendship, and it read:
Dear ex best friend </3,
I hope you know I still love you, in a way that's more than a friend would.
I hope you know I still care so much, and I still want the best for you.
I hope you know that nothing will ever change,
the fact that you gave me some of the best days and the best seven months.
I could ask for, even though we been friends for a year.
I hope you know that I am truly sorry if I hurt you,
because that's one thing I regret the most.
Despite all of what happened I fell for you, but I knew it wouldn't work out.
I didn't want to ruin our friendship,
because I couldn't lose you like that even though I did lose you...
I lost my yellow, my light in my darkness.
I know it was mostly my fault our friendship died, but it was yours too.
I do wish things could've happened differently, because I love you and always will.
Nothing can change that.
Maeve whipped a tear from her cheek. That post made her cry, because it hit home like a stab in the heart.
Maybe I'll write a post maybe It'll target the right person. I mean if the shoes fit wear, it right?
Maeve began to type up a post to get her feelings off her chest, this is how she heals.
Hey, remember me? I know you don't want to hear from me. I wanted to apologize for how I acted if I acted unreasonably. Although your friends believe I didn't believe you, but I did believe you. I just didn't understand why blamed me for it when I wasn't even there, when the incident happened. Maybe it would've been different. You believe I turned my back on you, but I didn't. You're my ride or die. You painted me as a villain then turned around and said I was always the villain. I was never a good person for all those years. Did you forget I understood what you're going through, matter fact... I'm kind of used to it. What does it matter now? You believe all the shit I went through was a "lie" all for attention. Whose attention was I trying to get? I don't need anyone's attention, but let me tell you, my story. So, you understand. When I was eight years old, I was molested. How does a little girl supposed to tell her parents? When she didn't even understand what happened and thought it was normal. I didn't tell anyone that happened until I was twenty. Let's go four years down the road at twelve years old hanging with a boy who was supposed to be my friend, who had a crush on me for the longest time. I told him I only saw him as a friend, nothing more, but I guess he didn't like that idea... I could go on about more that happened to me because it didn't just stop there. It went on when I was seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and even twenty-one. It's not like you would believe me if I told you all this anyways. Just know no matter how much you hate me or believe I wasn't a good person. I was strong enough to walk away. Strong enough to walk away from all the drama and the toxicity with you. I forgive you for everything despite all the hateful words you said, I hope you're happy with the words you said. Just because you lost me as a friend doesn't mean you gained me as an enemy. I still want to see you eat, just not at my table. I bless the roads you have not traveled, love an old friend.
Maeve let out a breath, she didn't realize she was holding in.
Maybe they'll see it. Maybe they won't. I'm just glad I got it off my chest.
Maeve started to move the mouse to the post button, her stomach started to turn out of nervousness.
Just post it, no one knows it's you. It's anonymous remember.
She let out a sigh. "Fuck it." she said out loud.
If the shoes fit wear it.

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