The unwanted

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Breaking someone's trust is like cramping up a perfect piece of paper. You smooth it over but it never going to be the same again.
Two boys followed close behind a girl and a boy holding hands listening to their giggles and laughs from their jokes. "there is Olson come on he'll be waiting." Eva said utterly loud. "why is he,-"ash tried to say, but was cut off when he was pushed against the lockers, two boys closed on ash. he yelled for his best friend to help him. Olson and Eva his so-called friends didn't help him at all. they just walked away as ash called for help before he got jumped, but why? Olsen was the first person ash told that he was transgender, but he didn't talk to ash after he told Olson that at lunch. ash thought he needed some time to think it over.
later that day, he ran into Eva; ash always thought she was so pretty for a blonde girl with dimples and blue eyes.Eva and him hit it off like they were long lost friends. they were sitting on the benches outside when Eva looked down at the ground with a smile. " I really like you as." Eva said feeling guilty hitting her stomach for what she was doing. "Eva I like you too." ash said blushing as his heart was swelling with joy.ash was left on the ground like an unwanted puppy left to die. he started to cry, but no tears came out of his eyes. ash was beaten bad just because he was trans. though it could be so many other reasons too. ash frowned as he thought of Eva.

I thought she was my friend.

"can this day get any worse." he asked himself.ash got up on his own it hurt like hell to move, but he didn't want anyone to know he got jumped not even his foster parents. ash went to a teacher that he could trust. he knocked on the classroom door. The door opening slowly as the middle-aged woman came to view. "miss Taylor." Ash said softly. when she saw ash ,miss Taylor ran over to him. " Oh my Lord darling come on in here! what in God's name happened?" she asked as she looked at him all over, ash heard the door closed and sigh. " I was jumped." ash said in a low voice that sounded like a little bit shaky. "I'll call your parents and tell them what happened."miss Taylor walked towards her desk. " no!" ash shouted panicky. " why not sweetie?" she looked over at him shocked that he blurred out like that. "well I-I don't want them to worry."he said rubbing his hands on his knees anxiously.
the real reason is, his foster mother stopped loving him after he came out as transgender; his foster mother always dead named him, but his foster father loves him unconditionally even after he came out.
miss Taylor sighed and put her hand on his shoulder. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up darling." Ash nodded with a slight smile.

I'll never be the same after this.

ash was all cleaned up miss Taylor did a good job; actually it looked like he didn't get jumped. "let's take you home okay?" miss Taylor said with a smile.
soon as ash got home he ran straight up to his bedroom, quickly started to do his laundry before she devil comes up the stairs. "Ashley get down here."the she devil called. " that's not my name."Ash mumbled underneath his breath as he heads downstairs. "yes ma'am." ash called to her, out of the corner of his eye he saw a man in a suit.

oh shit. I'm finally leaving this hell, but who will take a transgender boy who has an even transition, yet.

"Ashley this man has come to take you away! my precious baby!" she said crying coming over to ash, to give him a big hug. you would think it was a loving caring hug, but Sadly it was not. "you better not say anything to anyone about what happened in this house or I'll make sure, you'll never get your forever home or this will be your forever home." Ash's foster mother whispered into his ear, before turning him loose from the hug. "ash go upstairs and pack your stuff, I'll make you something to eat so you can take with you." Ash's foster dad said softly then turns to go to the kitchen. Ash saw the sadness when he looked at him. ash ran up to this up the stairs and started packing up his stuff. which isn't really much because as a foster kid you try to pack light, since you aren't guaranteed a forever home.ash has a couple clothes ,shoes ,a stuffed wolf that his bio dad gave him, a baby blanket that says Prince on it. after packing his stuff, ash went back downstairs with his bag on his back. ash said his goodbyes. his foster dad gave him a small plastic sack full of food, before ash was completely out the door. ash quickly walked out the door, before the she devil tried to give him a hug.

I do not care to say goodbye to her I'm honestly glad I'm getting out of this hellhole.

the man that came for him was in this nice suit, with a purple tie, nice dress shoes that almost looked like boots. the CPS worker opened the back door of the car for ash to get in and he did. once ash got into the car, he was surprised how big it was from the inside. when the CPS worker got in, the car came to life quickly, before ash knew his old foster home was in the rear view mirror.ash was puzzled at himself, because he started to feel homesick. the Reeses was his family for the longest time, even the she devil wasn't always the she devil. Ash's foster mother was really loving and kind, before he came out as transgender, then hell broke loose. "where are you taking me." ash asked looking at the man through the mirror. "well for now, you'll be placed in a group home for people like you." the man said quickly glancing at ash. "people like me?" ash questioned. " yeah like you LGBTQ plus. I noticed your foster mother was calling you by your dead name," he paused, " but also we keep up with your file, but you're not going to be in a group forever just a couple months."ash nodded and looked down at his hands. "hey, I know how it feels to be unwanted."the CPS worker smiled softly as at ash as the car stopped. " what's your name? I'm James." he said as the car started to move again. "as in James Bond? and I'm ash."he replied with a giggle and James smile. "do you know why,CPS is putting me in a group home? I've been at that foster home, since I got into the system as a baby."ash asked with a straight face. James was hesitant with that question ash asked because CPS workers aren't supposed to tell the kids why they got out of the foster parents houses or put in a group home, but James knew his wife would would want him to tell ash. "honestly,Mr. Reese told us what was going on in that house. And that it wasn't suitable for your needs and he thought it was best idea for you to go to a group home for your needs." James told ash in a soft spoken voice.James knew a lot about ashes case, well mostly his wife because she's a foster mother.James 's wife couldn't have kids of her own, because it was too dangerous. he almost lost her one time due to a miscarriage. James rather have his wife than a child without a mother; even if they aren't his kids by blood, he'll still love them like his own. ash felt like he was going to cry hearing what James told him it made, what happened feels so real. "you're okay kid?"James asked getting worried. Ash realized he was quiet for some time. "James do you have kids?"ash asked and James nodded. "if you knew that your kids mom was beating him or her everyday what would you do?"ash asked trying to keep the memories in the back of his mind. James frowned at ash's question and it was really heartbroken. he doesn't know what all went down in the Reese's house, but what Mr. Reese was explaining a little bit of it. James knows that ash is going to have a lot of trauma about the whole situation. "I would take my child away from his or her mother, but I know my wife wouldn't do that. Ash...just know if I knew someone that was mentally and physically abusing their child I would stop it and take that child to my home." James said and he met every word by that, because he knew that his wife fell in love with ash's story and was heartbroken to find out what was going on in his life at the Reese's house. the car stopped in front of the LGBTQ group home, ash was staring out the window. he felt amazed on how really accepting some people can be. ash heard James call his name he turned his head to see James holding out a card for him. "here's my card with my number and my wife. it's our personal phone numbers, if you get any trouble or need someone to talk to call us, text us," James paused, " I know CPS workers aren't supposed to do that, but we're also a foster parents that have been, In the system. so we know and we actually care. so we are here for you and mean it." Ash nodded feeling overwhelmed not at James more because of this group home. Shutting the door of James's car before he could even start walking Ash hears James voice again. " hey,"ash turned around and saw James; James 's window was down. "why did you ask me that question?"ash looked at him glanced around to make sure no one was around when he said this. " because the house I lived in for 14 years of my life in. Mrs. Reese was abusing me and Mr. Reese doesn't know the half of it."

Growing up Ash alas felt like he was different from the other girls. He played with trucks instead of dolls and preferred wearing boy clothes. It wasn't until he reached puberty that he realized that he was transgender and that the gender he was assigned at birth didn't match who he truly was. Unfortunately, Ash's parents passed away when he was real young, didn't have any other family member to claim him. Sadly, Ash was put into the foster care system. For years, he bounced to group home to group home until he found himself with he Reese's. Ash truly thought the Reese's was his forever family, but unfortunately for Ash it was not. Ash endured countless amount of abuse, physically, mentally , and sometimes sexual from the foster mother of that household. This went on until he was about fourteen years old and Mr. Reese, the foster dad, couldn't let Ash suffer any more and spoke up. Ash got taken out of that foster home an put into a group home more suitable for his needs. Ash thought he was going to go back to bouncing from group home to group home. Little did ash know that he actually met his forever family that changed his whole life around. Ash was adopted into a loving and caring family. His new parents, James and Ellie , were understanding and accepting of his gende identity from the start. They provided him with the love and support he needed to fully embrace who he was. Ash finally felt he had a place to call home. He was able to start hormone therapy and undergo gender confirmation surgery with the support of his new family. They also helped him navigate the challenges of being a transgender teen in a world that can be cruel and unforgiving. Today, ash is a confident and happy young man who is grateful for he love and support of his family. He knows that not everyone is as lucky as he was to be adopted into such a loving home. He hopes that one da, every child in the foster care system can find a family that loves and accepts them for who they are.

Ash closed the book and looked up, saw his mom and dad ( Ellie and James ) watching him anxiously waiting for his responds. "Wow, mom that was amazing." He said with a smile/ "you think so? I wanted it to sound perfect because-" ash cut her off, " mom, relax, breath. If anyone could put my story together and write it into a book. I'm glad it was you." Ash got up walked over to his, noe sobbing mother and hugged her. Ash is forever grateful for Ellie and jame. It was fate that brought them all together , if James wasn't his cps worker then ash wouldn't be in this loving family. Trust the universe, everything happens for a reason, even if we may not understand it at the time.

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