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Due to a rare brain condition, I've spent my entire life hallucinating the presence of a six-foot-tall penguin. It's been a constant companion, following me everywhere I go, and I've learned to accept its presence as a part of my life. But on this particular day, I was on a date with a woman I had just met, and she asked me, "So what's the deal with the penguin?" I froze for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Should I tell her the truth and risk scaring her off, or should I make up a lie and hope she doesn't notice the penguin standing next to me? I decided to be honest and explained my condition to her. To my surprise, she didn't run away or call me crazy. Instead, she listened intently and even asked questions about my hallucinations. We ended up having a great conversation, and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. For the first time, I didn't have to hide my condition or pretend that the penguin wasn't there. And as we walked out of the restaurant, the penguin waddling along beside us, I realized that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't as alone as I had thought.

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