The message that started a war

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"You want an expiation, on why I said what I said? I mean to correct your words you said to Zachary that I called you a "narcissist lying bitch" I didn't say bitch. I even showed him the video. I mean I see nothing wrong with it because it's the truth. I mean you know I am bluntly honest, and I judge by character and your character isn't good. All my alters see it. You lie like it's second nature. I'm done tip toeing around you and your feelings. I'm done trying to be your friend and being one sided. You used to be my friend when I was friends with Axel and Audrey before I ever moved in. What changed? Maybe it's the fact I am dating your ex-husband? You thought he would ruin me and be the old Zachary that you knew and mistreated and took for granted? Be careful what you say next because I know everything. You are very two faced. I see your true colors. Funny how you are friends with the people you swore up and down you hated. All the thing you said about Axel, and she opened her arms to you after you lied about all the guys she was fucking and kissing at the club. You like causing drama that wasn't even there. All the things you said about Zachary before me and him started dating. (No, you didn't know I had a crush on Zachary when I was dating Sebastian, I hide my crushes well it's called masking) here's what I remember you saying about Zachary and what he said, because I told him everything you said about him and told Axel and Audrey. Women are only good for being raped (also lie). He didn't care about the death of your other baby (lie he didn't say that he didn't care about chase's feeling). Why am I doing this you're asking? I am done. I'm done putting on an act and pretending to be your friend. I lost the friendship after father day. That broke me and I lost every respect for you. Why do I want to be friends with someone who runs their mouth about my business to someone who isn't my friend? Axel told me that they never asked about me nor Zachary and you just randomly bring us up. You also say shit behind my back to them so don't act like a saint that you don't do the same thing. I mean you act like you're the victim and you haven't done anything wrong. All the things you said about Shane before I ever met him, before I ever started dating him. The mean things you said about him aren't truth. He told me everything juniper. What really happens in your relationship, the truth. I've always believed there's two sides to the story. Why would you break a good man like that? If you really loved him you would stay through the bad, the worst, and the ugly. He was fighting demons and you tried in your power to destroy him. You hurt people around you and you don't even realize. You've hurt Lilly and Andy. Don't know who else you hurt in his family. I don't like being friends with cheaters. I can't even truth you because I don't even know if what comes out of your mouth is true or not. I only unblock you on the phone because you can reach Zachary if you can't get him on his phone or if it's about Joanna and Zachary asked me too. I also didn't appreciate you calling my husband fat when he's not even close to it. Thanks for stealing my best friend from me, but it's whatever I got friends you won't meet or ruin our friendship. I've never felt friendship from you, I don't know where it went or went in stop feeling that way. Don't say it goes both ways or it's a 50/50 thing. It takes two people to make a relationship or friendship work not just one. That's the truth. If you don't like what I said so be it. I'll put on a show for Anna and be civil for her when we are all together. I don't have to be buddy with you. That's my expiation for you. "
Astrid stared at her computer at the words she typed out, feeling was nerves about sending it. She didn't know what it would cause in the aftermath of sending it.

Should I send it or just save it for later? I mean she kind of having it coming.

Astrid thought to herself knowing by sending it she could lose everything she worked for, but she knows her husband wouldn't leave her for being as polite as she could be. "Fuck it." Astrid pressed send and she heard a ding knowing it delivered. "Well, we wait and see if this will cause a war. I know where I stand, I'm not letting someone walk over me." She said closed the laptop, sit back and waited for the next move. Who knows maybe the baby momma will surrender?

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