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"You seriously think you can be better than me?"➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶

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"You seriously think you can be better than me?"

You were the kid that everyone liked. All your Kindergarten classmates loved being around you... Well, almost all of them. Katsuki Bakugo. He was mean, not just to you, but just about everyone. and you couldn't understand why. You tried being nice, doing anything. Giving him snacks, offering your toys, even attempting to play with him. But nothing worked, so by the time you guys where in the 1st grade, you gave up, but made a friend along the way. Izuku Midoriya. In fact, He was your best friend.

He was there when your quirk developed. He practically admired you. Then Katsuki got his, and he admired Katsuki even more. Followed him around even more. You couldn't understand why. Katsuki was so mean to him, and even beat him up. But he still followed him like a lost puppy. You even had to intervein when things got like that. But there's one thing that you noticed. When you first got your quirk, Katsuki seemed to hate you even more. But whatever you didn't even care anymore about him. You had more important things to worry about, like comforting Izuku because he found out he was quirkless.

Then you three got into middle school. Izuku's treatment only got worse, meaning that you had to ramp up your defenses for him. The school was practically fucking useless, so you had to be Izuku's personal bodyguard, and emotional support. But suddenly in the 7th, he was at his happiest and wouldn't tell you why. But whatever, he's the happiest he's been in a long time, and that's all that matters. But one thing you did notice was that he was becoming more muscular. Some you just assumed he was working out and that was making him happier.

Meanwhile with Katsuki, he just got meaner and meaner over the years and yapping about how he was better and the future #1 hero, blah blah blah. Some bullshit you didn't care about. But one thing you did notice was that he always tried to outdo you in everything you did. The 5th grade spelling bee, 4th grade field day one legged race even though he was your partner (Not by choice.) Not to mention his need to beat you during 6th grade track and tennis tryouts. He didn't get into either, so he settled on the basketball team.

But once again, you didn't care much. Both of you were in the 8th grade and that stuff was behind you guys now. One day, all sports got cancelled for some reason, but whatever, you got to go home and have some sea food at home. You were walking home, when you suddenly felt someone spin you around. It was him.

You hadn't talked to him since the 5th grade, so what could he possibly want now?

"Do you think your better than me dumbass!?" He barked at you. The fuck is he on about?

"What are you talking about Katsuki?" You wanted to roll your eyes so damn bad, but knowing him, that'll make him more pissed than he already was.

"You know what I'm talking about dumbass! You've been ignoring me! For a long while now! Not to mention your trying to outdo me! Trying to be the best at everything when you know I'm the best! You really know how to piss me off without even talking to me." 
He was furious. Wait. What did he mean you were trying to outdo him? If anything, it was the opposite.

"Huh?" You where bewildered. 'Is this nigga really projecting what he's doing onto me?' You thought. "What are you talking about? I'm just living my life doing what I see fit and you sitting up here, getting in my face and accusing me of having an imaginary competition with you for what?" Now you were getting pissed, and it showed in that tone you used.

"Because you are! You seriously think you can be better than me, huh!?" He shouted. He was getting real heated, you could tell just by the way the veins in his neck popped out. You turned around and tried your best not to snoop to his level and get angry, but just to be petty you said, "With how your acting right now, yes I do. If you really wanna compete with me, fine. We can compete. Don't say I didn't warn you." Then you just walked home.

You came home to the smell of crab legs, specifically snow crab legs. Suddenly all the anger you felt instantly went away and you ran into the kitchen. Everything was still cooking, and everyone was probably in their rooms. You went upstairs and took a shower and got into some pajamas. Suddenly your momma called you, so you went to the kitchen, she wasn't there. Living room, not there. So, you went to her room, and she was there, sitting on her bed. "Yes ma'am?"

"What happened at school today, I saw you when you was walking up to the house and you looked like you was finna slap somebody." She said as she sat up and pat the spot next to her on her bed. You sat next to her and sighed. "It was that stupid as- ahem... That Katsuki boy." You replied. "That boy that went to your elementary school?"

You nodded. "He came up to me when I was walking talking 'bout how I was 'competing with him' and how I thought I was better than him." You sounded annoyed just talking about it, let alone thinking about it. Your momma sighed. "That boy is something else, it's already bad enough he has something against Izuku, but he's always had something against you for who knows what. But I know once damn thing for sure, if he wants to get petty-"

"I can get pettier."

"That's my girl."

After that day, you did petty things just to get under Katsuki's skin, and he did the same for you. Everything between the two of you became a race. Who raised their hand first in class? Who got to school first? Who got to the lunchroom first? Who won at their games? Everything.

It actually made things more fun, but you weren't going to say that and boost his huge ego.

Now, you both were post-entrance exams for UA, and you got third place, and he got first. You don't even remember when you gave him your number, but you just know he boasted over text about his victory. You just swiped the notifications away and went as far as to mute any notifications you got from him, because now your summer was about training.

Now, you were in Class 1A, and one of the first students there, and you being you, already making friends with your classmates with ease. Everything was sunshine and rainbows until he had to show up, yelling like an untrained monkey.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE DUMBASS!?" He yelled like you just killed his Papi or something.

"Shit, I can ask you the same think bitch ass." You looked him up and down.

After the quirk assessment test, you were sitting at lunch with Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, and sadly Katsuki, but he was at the far end of the table away from you. "So, (Name)" Kaminari had a goofy smirk on his face and you couldn't help but smile. "Do you mind giving me your number? I mean, we are gonna be classmates after all." He winked at you, and you laughed a little and the both of you exchanged numbers. Then, you did with everyone else at that table. "We should hang out sometime this weekend, just us, then maybe sometime later like maybe a month or two, we can with the whole class or something." You suggested, you did this throughout middle school, and it worked as a good bonding experience for the class. "That isn't a bad idea, what should we do though?" Mina said curiously. "We could go roller-skating." Kirishima suggested, and everyone agreed.

That weekend, after going around and meeting everyone's parents, you guys went roller-skating and honestly speaking, you had no clue what you were doing. Neither did Mina, so Kirishima helped her, meanwhile Denki was starting to get the hang of it, somewhat. Meanwhile, you had to hold onto a wall just to stay up, and Katsuki skated over to you with a cocky smirk. "Thought you said you were good at everything dumbass?"

You rolled your eyes. "Oh shut up, I ain't ever said that."

"The text say otherwise."


"That wasn't me. But anyways, make yourself useful and help me smartass." You hissed.

"Nah, I like to watch ya suffer." He laughed, and you tried to hit him and almost fell. He laughed and just skated away. "Fucking bitch.." You mumbled. After a while, you finally got it, along with the other two that were struggling and the rest of the night was pretty fun, you guys even went to the park and did random things and took pictures together.

You learned that Katsuki wasn't a much of a dick headed long necked bitch you thought he was, he was kinda fun to be around. But he's still a stupid long headed brick necked asshole.

As for the whole class hang out, it happened 3 months later, and it was fun, for the most part. Izuku had to give a police report, and you were more protective of him than ever, and you had daily checkups with him. Just to see how he was doing and if he was okay. But there was one thing that bugged you about him, he was pronounced quirkless, but now he had a quirk. But you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind.

After many events that put mostly your class in danger, but basically the entire school, everyone had to move into dorms. Everyone did a tour of the dorms, and you specifically wanted to do yours last. Yours was in-between Uraraka & Mina's dorm, which was perfect because you practically loved the both of them like sisters. You opened your door, and everyone was stunned, it was practically a fashionista den, with the clothing racks, the mannequin, and the fabric that was expensive looking. Plus, the LED lights along with the potoroid pictures that where on the walls with. Most of you, and some from when you and Izuku where kids, or some random hangouts with your classmates, you definitely won the room judging competition.

Katsuki just stood there and rolled his eyes before going to his room, probably to go to bed.

You stayed up for a while longer, then sat in bed just thinking.

Why did Bakugo hate you to begin with? Your first ever interaction with his was just you asking to be his friend and introducing yourself back in kindergarten, and for some reason he just didn't like you. Where you two persistent, annoying, or going about it the wrong way? Or was it not you, but it was just him and his stubborn nature. Who knows. But another thing, what made him think you were trying to outdo him, trying to be better than him? Was it because you got on the track team and he didn't? It couldn't have been, It started way back in elementary school... But whatever, maybe your thinking too deep into things. Katsuki hates anything that has a pulse, so what made you anymore special specifically? Just look at the way he treats Izuku. But, whatever. That isn't important. You have an apprenticeship coming up. Something way more important than thinking about some asshole with some kind of vendetta against you for who know? Jealousy? Insecurity? An ego boost? You didn't care.... You didn't, right?

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