Chapter 22- Suicide

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Jane and the boys- Pieces

Her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit  hospital room. It was already morning and Lejandro hadn't moved a finger since he was admitted. She listened to the devices attached to him hum, beep and drip until it was so unnerving to listen to. She got herself an extra tooth brush from his bathroom and brushed her teeth. Heather walked back into the room and reclined in the couch opposite his bed, where she had spent the night.

She had never seen Lejandro so pale and inactive. After a few minutes, the doctor walked in to check up on him. She took that as an opportunity to step out for a cup of coffee in the hallway. She hated coffee but with enough creamer, she could have it any day.

She met the doctor on his way out.

" How is he?"

" He's going to be fine, we just need to observe him for one more day." He assured her with a warm smile.

Heather nodded and stepped back in. This time she decided to lie next to him in his bed and actually talk to him.

" Dude, I think it's time you woke up... you're going to make everyone worried." She said to him propping his pillow for him before sipping from her cup.

" Fine, I'm going to go to school with you, but jokes off you're really scaring m..." She trailed off when she heard the buzzing sound. It was coming from the drawer set next to his bed.

Heather opened the top drawer and found his cellphone ringing. The inscription- Mama.

Oh-oh. Heather wasn't ready to talk to Lejandro's mom, not like this. But if she didn't pick up, the woman would know something was wrong with Lejandro and if she finds out it's all because of a girl like Heather, she'll flip!

Heather picked up on the last ring,

" Hola cariño, vi tu llamada perdida anoche y te he estado llamando toda la noche, ¿cómo va todo?"

Heather didn't understand a word she just uttered.

" Ummm, hello this is Lejandro's cellphone."

" Who is this?" Her voice came with a Spanish accent.

" I..I'm his friend, Lejandro stepped out."

" He left his phone with a girl? What is wrong with you, he's only fifteen what are you doing with my son so early in the morning?!"

Wow that hit harder than Heather thought, she wished to continue the conversation but this was just about what she could tolerate. She ended the call and cringed, mentally slapping herself for being so dumb.

The phone buzzed relentlessly after that until Heather had to turn it off.

" See what you caused Lee, now she's going to think I'm a hooker or something."

She fell asleep next to him afterwards and was woken up by the opening of the door. It was Koblah, he thanked her profusely before driving her back home and getting back to the hospital.


Sometimes a single thought from someone who cares could save a savage's hardwork. Ms Bella had woken up that morning with the intention of prepping with the Science and Maths students in the Brilla room but thinking about one absent student, she felt like a failure.

How had she not seen what was going on with Velar right under her nose. She usually gathered the brilliant outcasts in school and befriended them in order to give them a sense of security and a person they could confide in. Over the years it had worked, now she had the likes of Rebecca and Kräsdar to mentor as well. But how had Velar slipped so fast, the girl literally hang around the chemistry lab like it was her second home and yet Ms Bella hadn't noticed Velar developing any odd traits.

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