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* * *

Sion tossed and turned, unable to find solace in sleep. The events that had unfolded earlier that afternoon continued to swirl relentlessly in his mind. The sudden arrival of Lionel, Rosette’s older brother, had left an indelible mark.

Rosette had always remained tight-lipped about her family affairs, leaving Sion in the dark about their intricate dynamics. But now he could discern the unmistakable air of nobility that clung to Lionel, confirming his initial impression of a resplendent figure.

However, Lionel’s demeanor exuded blatant disregard and condescension, far from what one would expect from a typical older brother towards his sister. This alone spoke volumes about the treatment Rosette endured within her own kin.

Sion’s anger surged at the audacity of Lionel, who brazenly dismissed her. Alas, he found himself utterly powerless, trapped in the shackles of his own lowly origins as a former slave, a mere inconsequential presence in this nobility-centric empire.

‘They dare to treat her with such insolence!’

Sion seethed inwardly, his rage bubbling beneath the surface. Yet he was rendered impotent, bereft of any means to intervene. To protect Rosette, he needed a standing that matched the lofty echelons of nobility. The realization of his own inadequacy overwhelmed Sion, plunging him into the depths of despair.

‘The workshop.’

The thought of being a mage had surfaced in his mind, but for him to be the one leading a prestigious magic workshop…

‘What should I do?’

Seeking out the mages seemed to be the most logical course of action. To inquire about his past and to reclaim the fragments of his memory. However, he wouldn’t know when he would be able to return to Rosette’s side.


Sion’s head jerked up in that very instant. The gentle rapping on his window startled him. Tracing his gaze, he discovered Louis and Helena perched on the roof, donned in their mage robes, their smiles radiant.

Though a sense of relief glimmered secretly within him, an unsettling disquietude lingered. Just as Sion’s brows furrowed, the window glided open, ushering them into the room.

“Pardon the intrusion, Sir Sion.”

“What brings you here?”

Sensing Sion’s guarded stance, Louis clasped his hands together. “This is the person we used to know! Be colder! More… resolute!”

“Shut up.”

Helena cast a reproachful glance, making Louis cough awkwardly and recompose himself.

“Please, please listen to us. We’re all about to lose our minds because Sir Sion is gone!”


“How long do you intend to remain by her side?”

As Helena asked the question softly, however, Sion pressed his lips tightly together, a gesture mirroring his inner turmoil. Louis’ chest thumped, his words infused with earnestness.

“We lied to her face. You are not merely the owner of a magic workshop. You’re the leader of the Magic Tower.”


Sion felt his hyphothesis validated—that he had a magic prowess. However, the leader of the Magic Tower…?

His head spun.

“You said you lost your memory, so we brought it to you.” Helena pulled something from her bosom: a purple rose. Sion’s eyes widened, and a gasp escaped his lips.

“Do you recall? This is etude, a magical ingredient that was on your desk before your disappearance from the Magic Tower. Alas, it couldn’t function now.”

“And this, too!”

Louis slipped in, interrupting the conversation, and took out something from his robe. What he presented was an ordinary mage’s robe, but with a peculiar twist—it was tailored specifically for a child.

“Why are you holding that?” Sion asked, his expression involuntarily turning stern as he snatched it away. In response, Louis’s face instantly turned bright red.

“I knew it was worth risking my life to retrieve it! You remember!” Louis exclaimed, his voice trembling. Sion felt an urge to strike the man’s cheek. Louis, seeing his face contort into a grimace, winced.

“I-I did it all for you, Sir Sion! So, please, spare my life…?”

“What’s this all about?” Sion inquired in a frigid tone, prompting Helena to step forward and offer an explanation.

“The former Tower Lord himself bestowed this robe. Sir Sion, you’ve cherished this robe since you were a child.”


“So, what’s your decision? You know yourself well enough to know that you can’t run away from the past forever, and I know that you want to get rid of that madman today.”

Sion clenched his fist tightly, his voice laced with bitterness.

“Are you two… involved as well?”

Helena and Louis locked their gazes on Sion, speaking in unison. “We just happened to see the madman, and I gave him a little information. Don’t get me wrong.”

“That’s right, Sir Sion. No, Sir Kiris. I beg you, come with us.”

In the face of their plea, Sion deliberated for a considerable time before firming his resolve. If it was for Rosette, it was right to follow them.

“I will come with you.”

“Oh, I’m overjoyed!” With those words, Louis seized Sion’s arm, wearing an elated smile, and instantaneously teleported.

As Helena gazed vacantly at their vanishing figures, she let out a deep sigh. “Louis, you’ve gone mad just to meet your demise.”

Helena tidied up the disheveled blankets and left the room.

* * *

I arrived early with my tasks in hand the following morning. Only to be confronted by a desolate and chillingly vacant home.

I Became The Villain's Master Where stories live. Discover now