Lovers' Duel

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"I wish to use it for a duel against the Iudex"

The audacious request prompted stunned responses across the audience, bewildered by the turn of events. The dramatic silence was tainted by appalled murmurs as it turns into gossip. Various comments of your mental stability carelessly thrown around... they assumed you had officially lost your mind.

In a moment of deep thought, Neuvillette drowns out the bustling chatter with an exhausted weighted exhale. He was never adjusted to the unpredictable nature of humans, especially yours. This needn't become complicated had the sacred regulations of court been respected in an orderly manner. The incessant noise settled as he addresses the demand.

"[Name]... Is this truly what you desire?"

Every Fontainian standing on trial is provided the alternative choice to defend their honor via duel. If the defendant triumphantly prevails in a match against a champion duelist, they are exempt from all charges. Should the defendant be defeated, they will have to adhere to trial. In worse yet rare cases, some fight till their final breath. He examines that fixed expression of determination for any uncertainty. Though it was clear your mind had been made up.

"Yes, I'll do this my own terms"

His sterness softens to subtle dismay for a mere instant as he composes his personal infliction. There was no convincing you it seemed... if this is truly the route you wish to take then, so be it. Afterall, how is the trial ever to conclude with your persistent refusal. The audience and Archon awaiting his response to the challenge.

"Assuming this to be a defiant interruption that prevents the course of trial from continuing, I shall entertain the demand"

"But what of the Oratrice?! It is still operating"
Furina imposes her opinion on the matter

"The defendant has made their stance clear, unwilling to proceed with ordinance"

The Hydro Archon stood down with no further objection to her associate's jurisdiction to handle the affair. The audience could not discern what was most astounding, your demand for a duel against Iudex or his acceptance? Perhaps it was the duel, for it seemed pointless in any logical sense. This was evidently an unfair pairing, it was as if already pleading guilty to the crime.

In dismissal to the reactions of others, his attention remains on your unwaivering demeanor. He was left to wonder of the thoughts that could be coursing through your fragile mortal mind. It is a shame this is the choice you have made for it will undoubtedly create an undesired rift. In his service as Iudex he is still perplexed by the attachment humans have for their pride.

Knowing his identity as the Hydro Sovereign, even with limited potential he is well aware of the power imbalance. Though he does not intend to be rough he does wish to end this nonsense. Duels of even the most stubborn result in a pleading yield. A moment of desperation in which they realize the value of life over pride. In his mind, you are no exception to this phenomenon.

He rose impassively, allowing his coat to drape delicately over the seat. Making way towards the stage he observed the way you tightly clenched your sword. Normally, this should not take long but essentially he was going to provide you the opportunity to express pent up tension. Brought to the point of exhaust, he is certain you will come to your senses and yield. Feigning cold apathy, he speaks solemnly.

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