Ch. 7: Depository Break In/Seeing Afton's Real Face

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The next day, you, Fantasia and Chelsea are coming up with a plan to break into the depository. A place that holds the archives of people there in Omaha. You knew the internet could help with that, but your sister felt a so-called old-fashioned break in would be better. More fun. You get better results. So long as you don't get caught.

Right now, you're at Fantasia and Chelsea's place. Fantasia says, "Alright. We're sneakin' into the depository, today. We're gettin' them shits. The file of William Afton." You say, "I'm just curious as to what he used to look like." Fantasia says, "That's why we're doin' it, little sis. I had a hard ass time trynna find him online."

You say, "It is more of a struggle trying to look online for information about someone... I say we bust in there and get William Afton's file." Chelsea whispers to herself, "Please don't let us get caught? Please don't let us get caught?" Fantasia says, "Girl, chill the fuck out. We good."

You say, "I have something with me to easily break into the depository." You get out a little metal device. Chelsea says, "You're gonna pick lock the place?" You say, "Springtrap apparently overheard us and gave me this after you guys left the attraction. He said he used to do a lot of lock picking when he was a teenager, when he was William Afton."

Fantasia says, "Ch. Yeah. I know YOU'RE good at this stuff. You used to go and lock pick MY door. Little shit." You grin. Chelsea says, "Let's just hope for your sake (Y/N)... Afton was at least dilf material." You say, "We'll leave at 6pm. Least likely for patrol to be around there." You all shake on it.


Later on at 6:21pm, you, Fantasia and Chelsea are at the depository. You all sneaked around the back and luckily, you didn't get caught. You're by the back door and you have the device to pick lock the back door.

You quietly say, "Okay. Good. We got past the guard." Chelsea snorts a bit. You say, "What's so funny?" She says, "Miss security guard is about to break into a depository to steal a file." Fantasia says, "Hey. We're gettin' that file. See what my little sis gettin' herself into."

You face the door. You say, "I'll do the lock picking. You two keep an eye out and make sure nobody's coming over here." They nod. You stick the little metal device in the keyhole and you dig around. You say, "We still good?" Fantasia says, "Yeah. Nobody so far." You say, "Good." You continue lock picking.

You hear a click and you grin. You look back at Fantasia and Chelsea and you say, "Got it." Chelsea grins and says, "Yes." Fantasia says, "Aight. Let's get Afton's file and then get the fuck on outta here." You all head inside the old building.

You walk around the slightly darkened place and Fantasia says, "Goddamn. This place is old as shit." You say, "This building was built in the mid 19th century. It's over a hundred and fifty years old, no doubt. I made a scary story about this place back in middle school." Fantasia says, "Of course you did." You say, "Now, let's get to the archives. That's where they keep the files of everyone living in Omaha."

You walk around and you get upstairs. You get to a door saying archives on it. You smirk and you say, "Bingo." You open the door and you all walk inside. Chelsea has a flashlight on her and you go around the archive room.

You look over to find some file cabinets. You approach them. You look at the drawer listing A-G. You say, "It's gotta be this one. His last name is Afton. One of the first ones."  Chelsea shines the flashlight on the drawer. You open it and you dig around a bit.

You find it and you whisper, "Here it is." You take the file folder. You suddenly hear a door opening from downstairs and you gasp. Fantasia says, "Ah shit." You say, "Chelsea. Turn your flashlight off." She does so. Fantasia says, "We gotta bounce. Get the fuck on outta this bitch."

You all quickly and quietly go around. You find a vine ladder going down the window you're next to. You look back and you say, "Pss. Guys. Over here." You slip the file folder in your shirt and Fantasia and Chelsea approach you.

You say, "I found a way down and out of here. Come on. Quick." You pull the window up and you open it. You all carefully climb out and you climb down the vine ladder. You all make it down and you say, "Let's go. Now. While we have the chance." You all run off.


A moment later, you all get to your sister's place. You're sitting on the couch after successfully retrieving William Afton's file folder. Fantasia grins and says, "Hell fuckin' yeah! We got it." You say, "I need to find out what he looked like before becoming Springtrap." Chelsea says, "We just committed a crime." Fantasia says, "Girl, so what? We got the file, didn't we? And not once did we get caught." Chelsea says, "That's true." 

You open up the file and you see some papers, talking about his history. Fantasia says, "Ooh, his records. Imma check this shit out." She takes them and you look over at her and Chelsea. They look and Chelsea says, "Goddamn. He's got quite a history of violence." Fantasia says, "Like the stories I told (Y/N) here." You look back down at the opened file folder and you see the corner of a photo hidden under a piece of paper.

You move the paper and you gasp... and blush. There it is. A photo of what William Afton once looked like. You could tell he was older. Possibly early 50s in that photo. But he did not look bad. Not at all. You whisper, "That was him?" You nearly bite down on your bottom lip and you've got a blush on your face.

(I'm going for a more Matthew Lillard as William Afton approach. It's because of him that I now have my FNaF crush on William Afton. XD.)

Fantasia and Chelsea look over at you. Your sister says, "Girl. The fuck is your deal? You lookin' like you ready to... pass the fuck out." You put your hand on the photo and you say, "Handsome guy.~" Fantasia says, "The fuck? (Y/N)... Yo, earth to (Y/N)." She snaps her finger towards you and you gasp and look at her. 

She says, "You were zoned the fuck out. What's up?" Chelsea leans in and says, "Wait. Are you... blushing?" You look away and you say, "H-he was such a good-looking man. I... I didn't expect him to look this good for his age." 

You sit back on the couch. Fantasia looks and says, "Well, damn. I guess you was right, Chelsea. He turned out be to a dilf." You sigh and you nod, blushing a bit more. Chelsea looks at you and she says, "(Y/N)... Are you becoming infatuated with William Afton?"

You say, "Huh?" You look at her. She says, "Fanty has a point. You're red as a freaking tomato. You look flustered as fuck. You're developing a crush on the man." You look back down at the photo of William Afton and you trace your finger down the photo of him. You say, "Things are gonna feel different when I go back to the attraction, tonight." At that point, it was no lie... You have instantly fallen in love with Willam Afton.

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