Ch. 32: William's Question... Your Answer

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A day goes by. You and William are back home and you have Margaret, now. You're home for at least a month in a half because you're on maternity leave at the moment. You work alongside with William as his assistant, but for now... home is where you are with your newborn daughter.

William's home for the day. You're in the kitchen, cooking up a few things over the stove. You've got baby bottles in the dish drainer, too. You've just washed them. You wanted to make sure your daughter had good clean bottles to drink her milk out of in a few months. For now, you're breastfeeding.

Margaret's in her room, taking her nap right now. You've just layed her down in her crib about thirty minutes ago. As you cook, you feel a pair of arms wrap around you. You sigh and you smile. You knew it was William. He says, "Look at this milf. I bet you're happy to earn that title, huh?~" You giggle and you say, "I mean.... YOU are a dilf, so we're even baby.~" He kisses you on the neck and you sigh and smile. 

He says, "She's beautiful, sweetheart. I swear to you I'm going to make it all up to her. I'll give someone a slow painful death for her. Leave them screaming in agony if they mess with MY little girl." You say, "I'd like that, too. Count me in for that." You face him and you say, "Nobody fucks with my kid." 

He pulls you close and he says, "I love you so goddamn much.~" You both lean in to kiss each other a bit deeply, then you pull away. You say, "I love you too, baby.~" He says, "I'll teach Margaret my ways in a few years when she's ready. Murder comes from your family too, babe." 

You say, "I would also like that. I am the one in my family to carry on the legacy, after all." He whispers, "Your loyalty turns me on.~" You sigh and you smile. You both lean in to kiss, again. You pull away.

Just in time. You hear Margaret crying. You gasp and you're about to turn the stove off, but William stops you. He says, "Sweetheart. I've got this." You smile and you say, "Awe. Thanks, baby." He walks off.

He gets to Margaret's room and he walks to her crib that's decorated in Hello Kitty decor since that is the theme of her room. He gets there and looks in at her. He picks her up and he says, "Margaret. Baby... Shh shh." He holds her close. She stops crying and she opens her eyes. It's mostly because she heard his voice. She's looking up at him.

He looks down at his daughter and he manages a smile. He softly says, "There's daddy's pretty little girl.~" She coos. He strokes her face and he says, "I will murder for you, Margaret honey. Worse than before. Leave them screaming in agonizing pain and anguish. All for you, baby." She coos. He smiles and says, "That's right. Daddy will do just that.~" 

He leans down to kiss her on the cheek. She manages a smile as she looks up at him. He says, "Let's go see your mom, huh?~" She coos. He holds Margaret close and he walks out of her room, taking her. 

You hear this, "Here she is." You're getting food ready and you look over to see William with Margaret in his arms. You smile. She's awake and reaching her little hand up to his face. You say, "I'm telling you, baby. She's gonna look up to you. I see her little arm reaching up to your face." 

He says, "It's the facial hair she's distracted by." You say, "No. It's you. I can already tell that she knows the sound of your voice and knows it's her daddy. Newly mother instincts, Will." You smirk. He smirks and says, "Clever broad." You grin.

He looks at you and says, "I've been meaning to ask you of something for nearly a year, now. But it's been on my mind since. Scratch that... since I've met you when I was still Springtrap." You say, "Whatever it is baby, you know you can tell me." He says, "Let's just say that I love you so much. Too much to let you go. I'll do anything for you and Margaret." You smile and you say, "Awe.~" 

In Love With a Killer (Springtrap to William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now