Ch. 16: William Applies For a Job

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Later on after visiting your parents and William meeting them, you're both back at home. And since he lives with you now. William has your phone and he's scrolling down the screen to look for a job.

You showed him how to use it since they didn't have touchscreen phones before the year 2000. Not even 2008. He caught on pretty quick, though. You're sitting next to him on the couch in your living room. You're leaning your head on his shoulder as you look at the phone with him.

He says, "Hmm... It's been a while. But I'm not going to let you work, alone. Let's see..." He scrolls and he says, "This one, maybe?" You look at you says, "Mm, not THAT place." He says, "Why not?" You look at him and you say, "I used to work there, myself. The owner is a real cunt. I walked out, asap." 

He scrolls and he says, "Ah, an old job of mine." You say, "You were a career counselor?" He says, "Yeah. Under a different identity, then." You look at him and you say, "What did you go by?" He looks at you and says, "Steve Raglan. To prevent others from finding out that I was actually William Afton. The murderer." 

You grab his hand and you say, "Just know that you have my support, baby. Murderer or not, I love you." He grins and says, "Oh, you know I love you too, sweetheart. What would I do without you?" You say, "Just come to me if anything goes awry. Any shit that goes down... I'm here, William." You stroke his face.

He says, "You're the hottest little thing in the world. Ooh, I'd do more to you than the last time.~" You blush and you smile saying, "So long as I'm receiving that good dick from just YOU, Will.~" He chuckles and he says, "You know I mean it when I say you're mine only, (Y/N). Anyone else touches you and they're dead... I mean that." You say, "Just know I've got your back, sweetie." You both lean in to kiss, then you pull away.

You sit back on the couch and you say, "I don't feel like cooking anything today, so I think I'll order a carryout." He looks at you and says, "What do you want? Chinese food?" You grin and you say, "You knew exactly what was on my mind." 

He says, "I've been in that suit for so long, but I know what a girl wants, sweetheart." You say, "I have your rose in a vase full of water. A rose for a rose, huh?" He says, "You are one." You smile and you say, "Awe. Babe.~" 

He looks at the phone and he says, "Ah, hell. I'll take it." He clicks accept on the career counselor one and it gets sent. You say, "And now it'll give you a choice to either get the application through the mailbox or just apply online." 

He says, "I'll just do it online. You never know how long this shit takes through the mail." You say, "Good point. Guess you figured that part out, huh?" He says, "Baby. Mail delivery for anything's been the same for several years. Everything just seems to go by internet now from what I'm seeing." You say, "Kids at school do their homework using the internet. When they graduate, valedictorians do their speech they got inspiration from, online."  

You look at him and you say, "But I see you're really catching on, quick." He says, "It won't take me long. Just some time getting used to it." You say, "You will. Trust me. You'll be hooked on this shit. You won't have to use dial up for internet, anymore. Just click and... be on. It's been like that for nearly twenty years, now." 

He says, "And what year were YOU born?" You say, "2000." He says, "The year I died in that suit." You say, "You're not dead anymore, baby. I brought you back and now you're mine." You grin. He pulls you close and he says, "God, I love you." 

You blush and you smile saying, "I'll order the food, now. Let's watch something while I do." He says, "Fine by me." You and William watch something on Netflix and you take your phone out of his hand. You order Chinese food from there.


A moment later, your food gets to you and both you and William are in your kitchen eating it. He says, "God, it's been so long since I've had this." He picks up his egg drop soup and eats that right up like he hasn't eaten in years. Which he hasn't until you brought him back to life. You say, "Chinese food is my weakness. So is sushi." You eat your lo mein noodles. You sigh and you say, "Mm mm. So fucking good." 

He looks at you and he says, "Hey. Sweetheart." You look at him. He says, "Next time.... you let ME buy this. Anything you want. I'll do anything for you, (Y/N). Anything at all, my dear. You're lucky I'm sparing the lives of your family if I were to ever get back into my old habits. They're good, so far. This is all for you, (Y/N)." You say, "Awe. Thanks, sweetie." 

You suddenly get a notification on your phone and you pick it up. You see what it is and you gasp. William looks at you and he says, "What is it, sweetheart?" You grin and you say, "Oh, William baby." You turn your phone around and you show him. 

You say, "They got your application." You take your phone and you read it saying, "It says this... According to your past history of being a career counselor, we trust you will do your job willingly. Help others get any job they can get that suits them... Aaaand, that's not all." He says, "What is it?" You look at him and you grin saying, "You got the job, William!" 

He smiles and says, "That's great." You say, "It says you start in two days." He says, "Good. I'm not letting you be the only one working. I'm a man of work, baby. I refuse to be jobless." You say, "Me too, sweetie. Things are more expensive now than they were the last days you were alive." You and William eat your dinner the rest of the time. Turns out, he got the job as a career counselor.

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