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Taehyung again takes Sanem to upstairs in his room and places her carefully in the bed. Soon the family doctor comes. Hana goes to greet him and while taking him upstairs she explains, "Hello Dr. Junseo, Thank you coming in short time. We have an emergency. Our Ma'am fainted suddenly in the morning. We don't know the exact reason. Please have a look on her." She pointed towards Sanem while entering in the room where she can clearly see worried Taehyung sitting besides Sanem. 

Doctor examines her and says, "Her blood pressure is low. We have to put bottles of glucose." 

Taehyung with his dry lips and pounding heart asks, "Are you sure? Is there anything else which you want to share?"

Doctor - "Don't worry, I have gone through her medical history. Sometimes, due to heavy dose to medicines, it happens. Just arrange the bottles of glucose soon. By the way, did she take her medicine today?"

Hana rushes to get the bottles of glucose and within some minutes, she hands over the bottle to doctor and soon he makes required managements for her. 

Taehyung's face goes blank. He realizes that he never try to know her daily routine and medication timings. Bong Cha immediately replies, "No, because today morning as soon as she was done with her breakfast, Master Jungkook came. So, as I remember she forgot to take her medicine." 

Listening Jungkook's name enrages Taehyung. His face goes red with anger knowing that he was the reason that she didn't take her medicine. 

Doctor - "Okay, but she had her breakfast, right?"

To which Hana nods. Doctor continues, "then, missing medicine for once should not affect her this hard. It seems she might went through something emotionally harsh. Remember, stress is not good for her."

Taehyung's face flushes in embarrassment but he remains silent. Doctor prescribes some medicines and rest to her. 

While doctor keeps examining her, the landline rings. Bong Cha picks up the call and says, "Hello"

Jimin, on the other side of the call, says, "Hello. This is Park Jimin. Is Taehyung at home?"

Bong Cha, "Hello sir, Good morning. Yes, master is at home."

Jimin - "Can you hand over this call to him? I have tried to call him umpteen times but he is not responding."
Bong Cha - "I cannot assure you about this because he with doctor now."

Jimin in worrisome voice, "Doctor! Why? What happened to him?"

Bong Cha - "Nothing happens to him but Ma'am suddenly fainted. We have called doctor and he is examining her."

Jungkook, who stands beside Jimin, after listening the news, his blood freezes in his body with his pounding heart and discomfort. Actually Jungkook asked Jimin to call Taehyung to know if he is still angry but he didn't disclose anything to Jimin about him and Sanem. Hearing the situation of Sanem makes him hopeless and grief weakens his body. Jimin also get worried about her and asks, "Is she fine now? Does doctor give any statement about her health?"

Bong Cha - "Doctor is still with her. Let's see what he says. Please hold on a bit."

Bong Cha see Taehyung coming downstairs with doctor, she goes to him and says, "Master, you have a call from master Jimin."

Taehyung greets doctor and indicates Bong Cha to see off the doctor and goes to pick up the call. 

"You, bastard Taehyung, what you did to her?" Jungkook asks snatching away Jimin's phone from his hand and shouts. "How did she fainted?" He asks very angrily leaving Jimin stunned and surprised out of his behavior. 

Taehyung, who didn't expect Jungkook on the other side, says in ferocious anger, "How dare you to talk me like that? Didn't I already told you to stay out of my personal matter?" with this statement he disconnects the call.

Jungkook's eyes turn red due to extreme anger. He rushes to his car to head towards Taehyung's house. Jimin tries to stop him but he gives him an angry look and says, "Don't come after me." and moves out. Jimin doesn't dare to go behind him. He knows that angry Jungkook is very dangerous. But the only confusion he has now is - "what's actually going on?"

Taehyung orders his maids to leave for their quarters. However, both of them insisted to let them stay so that they can help but he assures them that he will take care of Sanem so they left. Then he goes to his room and sit besides Sanem giving her regretful look. He mumbles, "sorry little pumpkin, I shouldn't have frightened you. I am sorry. Please open your eyes."

Just then, a car stops in front of Taehyung's gate. Jungkook enters in his room and roar in rage, "Why?" and then his eyes lays on unconscious Sanem. His heart shatters into pieces. Her unmoving body brings a great grief to him. For a while, he stands still just glaring her out in stunned situation. 

Jungkook's presence in his room resurfaced Taehyung's anger. He stands up immediately and says, "How dare you to come here?" 

And both of them gives a murderous look to each other. Anger have turned their eyes red. 

Jungkook - "I know you tortured her. I told you not to harm her. What you did to her? Tell me. Did you slapped her or something?"

Taehyung says harshly - "It's none of your business. How many times do I need to tell you that she is my fiancée and soon to be wife. It's not good to lay eyes on other's partner Jungkook."

Jungkook - "And it's not good to torture someone either. Tell me what you did to her? You are now testing my patience."

Before they could say anything further Jimin enters in his room with Jin. Both of them turns their heads towards Jimin and Jin in surprise. 

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