Chapter 47: Blind Sided Anger

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Clarissa and Izzy look at each other, mouths hanging open and eyebrows raised. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Izzy asks Renee quietly. "I'm pregnant." She answers a little louder. Clarissa and Izzy gasp. "Are you sure?" Clarissa asks. "Very." Renee tosses two digital pregnancy tests to the girls. They both look at the positive tests. "It's a little early to be finding out isn't it? You usually find out around 8 weeks. You and Chan have only been dating for about a month." Izzy says. Clarissa's eyes get wide and she looks at Renee. "You could be having more than one. That's if you want to keep the baby," Clarissa pauses, "or babies..." she adds.

Renee sighs. "What am I going to do? How is Chan going to react? What about his career? His fans, JYP?" Renee puts her head into her hands and starts to breathe heavily. Izzy and Clarissa get up from the bed and sit next to her. "It's going to be okay. I'm sure that Chan will know what to do." Clarissa says, rubbing Renee's back. Renee sits up quickly. "We can't tell him!" Izzy and Clarissa look at each other and then at Renee. "You need to tell him. You can't hide this from him. He needs to know. If you make a decision without him, and he finds out about it, it'll just make things worse. You need to tell him." Izzy says holding Renee's hand. Renee takes a deep breath. "Fine, we will tell him." Clarissa clears her throat. "I'm sorry, we?" She asks. "I can't tell him by myself. I'm too nervous. Can Hyunjin and Felix be with us too? I feel like it'll be easier on Chan if he had some of his friends to support him too." Clarissa and Izzy nod. "If that's how you want to do it, then yes. We shouldn't wait. We should do it now." Izzy says. Renee nods.

Clarissa and Izzy leave the room to go get the boys. Izzy grabs Felix and Chan and takes them to Chans room. "We need to talk to you." Clarissa whispers in Hyunjins ear. Hyunjin gets up from the table and followers her into Chans room. Clarissa stands next to Renee and Izzy as Hyunjin looks around. He sees the girls and the other two boys. Renee looking like a nervous wreck. "What's going on?" Hyunjin asks. Renee gestures him to sit with Felix and Chan on the bed.

The room stays silent for a few seconds. "Come on Renee. You can do this." Izzy says quietly. Renee takes a deep breath as the girls hold her hand. "I have some news." Renee says. The boys scoot closer giving her attention. She closes her eyes and puts her head down. "I'm pregnant." She says quietly. Chan sits on the edge of the bed with his eyebrows raised and eyes wide as Hyunjin and Felix look at each other with a concerned look. "I'm sorry baby, wha-what was that you just said?" Chan asks. "I'm...I'm pregnant." She says again. Hyunjin and Felix stay quiet, looking at Chan who is rubbing his sweaty palms together while taking deep breaths.

"Can everyone leave the room please? I want to talk to Renee alone." Chan says. Everyone leaves the room. Chan shakes his head. "Why did you have everyone in here for that? That's embarrassing." He says with an attitude. "I just thought that you would want support from your friends." Renee says quietly, twiddling her thumbs as she looks at her hands. "I don't need them here for that. I'm a big boy, I can deal with this news by myself." Chan stands up from the bed and stands in front of Renee. "Let me see the tests." He says holding his hand out. Renee puts the tests in his hands. Chan looks at them and takes a big deep breath, curling his fingers around them so tight that his knuckles turn white. He starts pacing the room and keeps quiet for a few seconds.

"How did this happen?" He asks. "What do you mean?" She asks. Chan rolls his eyes. "How can you be pregnant? It's too early to even know and I thought you were on the pill?!" He says his voice slowly growing louder. "Uhm what? You never asked if I was in the pill nor did we ever talk about it. Why are you getting mad at me? It's not like you didn't participate in this." Renee says with an angry tone. "Well maybe you should've told me." Chan says getting close to her face. "Maybe you should've asked before putting your sperm into me." She responds. Chan bites his lip from anger, grabs his keys and storms out of the dorm.

"What just happened?" Suengmin asked as he helps clean up dinner. "You don't want to know." Felix says as he helps with the cleaning. Clarissa and Izzy go to Chans room. They enter and see Renee sobbing on the floor. "What happened?" Clarissa asks rushing over to her as Izzy closes the door. "He freaked out." Renee says looking at Clarissa with red swollen eyes, tears running down her cheeks. Clarissa holds her as Izzy kneels next to them joining in on the hug. "It's going to be okay. He just needs to let off some steam and clear his head." Izzy says as they continue to hug.

"I'm afraid." Renee says weeping. "I'm afraid he won't love me anymore. This is our second fight and I feel like both of them have been my fault." "It's not your fault. Things just happen." Clarissa pulls out of the hug. "How about I run you a nice hot bath to cool your nerves and help you relax?" Clarissa asks holding Renee's chin up with her fingers. Renee wipes her tears away and nods. "Stay with her Izzy." Clarissa says to her. "Of course. I'm not going anywhere." Izzy starts to hold Renee again.

Clarissa gets the bath water to the right temperature and lights some candles. She adds some bubbles into the water and grabs Chans laptop to put on Netflix. "I know he's going to be pissed at me for touching his most prized possession, but I'd rather him be mad at me than Renee right now." Clarissa says to herself. She places the laptop on top of the toilet seat. She then adds a can of Ginger Ale and sets it on the outside of the bathtub.

Clarissa exits the room and lightly taps Renee on the shoulder. "It's ready for you." Clarissa helps Renee off of the ground and takes her into the bathroom. Renee sees the display and smiles at Clarissa. "Thank you for doing this." She says as she gives a tight hug to Clarissa. Clarissa follows her gesture and smiles. "You're welcome."

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