His Obsession 💜

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"Well congratulations Aya, you just have the poor fellow dead again," Kakashi spoke sarcastically as he sprinkled the water on unconscious male.

"How could I have know that he would take this news this bad? And also, he would've find this sooner or later." Ayana pouts, lightly patting his cheeks to wake her twin.

"Oh good is he unconscious or dead again? Come on tobi wake up, I'm sorry." Ayana whines, shaking his body.

"I had no idea obito was against their relationship. Even after so many years, he hasn't changed his ideologies about their relation." Izuna points out, making Madara hum.

"You just think we had a sister, and she fell in love with Tobirama, how would you react?" Madara asks.

"Obito is completely right, I'm with him. In fact, I'm surprised he didn't actually killed Kakashi yet?" Izuna frowns, making Madara smirk.

"You sure changed your mindset quite soon. Maybe it's effect of Tobirama."

"Well let's turn that question around, what if she ended up with Hashirama?"
Madara's smirk dropped.

"Let's just drop this topic and never speak about it."


"Papa, uncle, he is waking up." Both brothers turned around, walking upto bed as the heir slowly opened his eyes.

"You feeling okay, son?" Madara asks as Izuna helped him sit up.

"Yeah, I just had this nightmare where Aya announced her being married to Kakashi and they had a daughter." Obito frowns, massaging his forehead as said couple shared a look.

"Um, tobi that wasn't exactly a dream. Me and Kashi are married and have a daughter after few months of your death." Ayana stutters, gulping under his intense gaze.

"TOBI!?" All three uchihas stared bewildered, as the black haired male pulled the silverette in a headlock before wrestling on bed.

"You stupid pervert, I told you to stay away from my sister! How dare you do such thing to her??! I will kill you!" Obito growls, strangling him.

"Hey, knock it off you tardy! You gave us your blessings on your last breath, including your sharingan. What's the point in throwing a tantrum now?"

"That's because I wasn't conscious, I don't know what stupid things I blurred! I just gave you permission once and you heard it, but couldn't understand the meaning of staying away from her which I shouted for straight two years to you?! I take back everything I said!"

"That's doesn't snub the fact that we have a daughter! What about her?! She is your neice as well!"

"That's even worse! Having you as my brother-in-law is already a nightmare, I can't imagine a female version of you! Return my sister back you pervert!"

"Well she's her own person, she can stay whether she wants or go! It's her personal choice! But if you want, you can have your sharingan back."

"Leave it! I rather not have that back now! I dread to imagine what things my eye has been through, seen such things all because of you!"

The three uchihas sighs. "I have a feeling this conversation isn't gonna end any time soon. How about we leave them alone, have them bond for time?"

The brothers nod in agreement. "I can't imagine how tobi will react when he meet Luna." Izuna frowns staring at his nephew in disappointment who wrestled with Kakashi.

"Speaking of luna, where is she? I haven't seen her since yesterday." Ayana asks worried.


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