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Dani made her way back into the Airpot! She went straight to the bathroom and cleaned herself up! All she could think was , "This NIGGA"! Dani was irritated with Alonzo but she already knew niggas come a dime a dozen so she wasn't trippin off his actions! She made her way to the break room to warm up her spinach dip! After she finished eating, she walked back to her desk, the moment she stepped up she seen a cowboy approaching her!

Dani, "DAMN"!!

Preston, *smiling* Hello I'm Preston Brooks!

Dani, "Howdy Cowboy! I'm Daniella King!

Preston, "Well it's nice to meet you Daniella, I'm checking in for a Flight to Mississippi"!

Dani, "Just call me Dani! And yes may I see your ticket!"

Preston hands Dani his ticket! He closely monitors her physique, and how lovely her eyes are! Dani notices and she heightens her skirt but Preston's eyes don't trail off he keeps them on her!

Dani, "Well here is your ticket Mr. Brooks you will be leaving from terminal 5! *boosting her boobs up* Is there anything else I can do for you Mr. Brooks"!

Preston, "No thank you! I have all I need! You have a great day Ms. King"!

Dani, "You too Mr. Brooks"!

Dani was now really annoyed because he did not take any of the bait she laid out for him! She thought for sure Preston didn't want her but that wasn't the case! He seen all of her tricks and chose to ignore them! He wanted her for her mind and not her body and the fact that she didn't know anything about him but yet she wanted to jump his bones didn't sit well with him so he ignored it!

Incoming Call from Sabrina Hollins

Dani, "Hey Girl!"

Sabrina, "Hey Dani, how's work?"

Dani, "It's okay! What do you want?"

Sabrina, "Oh nothing! I just wanted to see what you were up to?"

Dani, "Well Sabrina it is 4 and you know I don't get off until 4:30 so you knew I was still at work!"

Sabrina, "I didn't really pay attention to the time Dani!"

Dani, "Well you should have"!

Sabrina, "What has your panties tied up?"

Dani, "I'm just having a not so great day! First me and Alonzo call it quits and then I meet this fine ass white chocolate cowboy and I threw him my ass like it was nothing but he wouldn't go there with me at all! He just stared into my eyes like I fascinated him or some shit"!

Sabrina, "Maybe he doesn't want the ass! May he just want you and no sex or strings"!

Dani, "Men have only seen me for sex so why would this be any different! That's how my relationship with Alonzo started now he wants to talk about LOVE and MEETING HIS FAMILY!"

Sabrina, "It sounds like you may have found the only man in the metro area that can resist the hypnotic spell of Daniella King!"

Dani, "Brina SHUT UP! Not today!"

Sabrina, "I'm just saying he had a conversation with you and looked into your eyes the whole time! If that's not Mr. Right idk who is!"

Dani, "Now you know I don't do that Love shit!"

Sabrina, "Well Dani it looks like if you want this man that's exactly what you're going to have to do"!

Dani, "Nah I can find someone else"!

Sabrina, "Keep thinking that Dani, I bet your panties soaked while looking at that man"'!

Dani, "Bye Heffa"!

Sabrina, "Bye Dani"!

Dani knew Sabrina was telling the truth! She wanted Preston in the worse way but deep down she knew he didn't see her as a sex magnet and he wanted something more! Something she refused to give him so she tried to get him out of her head!

It was now 4:30 and time for Dani to get off! Preston got up because they were calling for him to board his flight! He turned around and blew Dani a kiss! Dani instantly felt chills no man has ever made her feel anything without even touching her! She had to get Preston out of her head to she got off and went home to take a shower!

After getting out the shower, she called Sabrina and asked if she wanted to go with her to club Eden! She knew Sabrina would agree because her and Amp had been exclusive for a while! Dani rubbed her body down with her favorite body butter and picked out her outfit!

It was now 4:30 and time for Dani to get off! Preston got up because they were calling for him to board his flight! He turned around and blew Dani a kiss! Dani instantly felt chills no man has ever made her feel anything without even touching her!...

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Dani finished getting ready, she texted Sabrina and told her she would be leaving in 15 minutes! She finished her make up and headed out the door! After about 20 minutes she arrived and Club Eden and Sabrina was waiting for her at the door!

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