The Settlement

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Fatima called Madam and told her about Doc needing the night off! She knew he wouldn't be taking off unless it was important so she agreed but made a mental note to call him!

The next day Dr. Wilson released Dani about 8:30am! Doc went to her house and got her clothes they are in his truck! He picked out her outfit and brought it up to the room for her, including all her toiletries!

Incoming Call from Madam

Doc asked Dani if she was okay because he needed to step out and take an important phone call! She said she was fine and he stepped out!

Doc, "Hey Madam!"

Madam, "Doc is everything okay! I talked to Fatima and she didn't give me any details but I wanted to make sure you were okay!"

This was kinda true, Fatima told her everything she could tell her without breaking client confidentiality! She wanted Doc to tell her everything else!

Doc, "I'm okay! Apparently I was about to be a father and didn't know it! My BM was assaulted sexually and miscarried! I just wanted to support her as much as I can! I'm sorry I wasn't able to call you but she needed me"!

Madam, "Don't apologize! You know how I feel about Family but look, I want you to take some extra days! Before you protest that's a direct order!"

Doc, "Yes Madam thank you!"

The truth was Doc wasn't going to protest he hadn't slept in days! He just watched Dani to make sure she was okay!

Madam, "Don't thank me! What's the name of the MF that did that shit anyways?"

Doc, "I'm already one step ahead of you his name is name is Jonah Baker and he owns Baker Enterprises he has a chain of hotel around the city! He's an orphan! He grew up in the system, he has no family so won't no one miss the MF "!

Madam, "Is that MF in police custody?"

Doc, "Yes but I need him alive long enough for Dani to get her settlement"!

Madam, "Dani?"

Doc, "Yeah Dani Madam"!

Madam, "I like Dani so this is what we will do, once the settlement is final and she receives everything I want you to let me know and I'll have someone kill his ass and stage it as a suicide, with a note and everything"!

Doc, "Okay Madam! I appreciate it!"

Madam, "Doc take care of Dani and if y'all need anything let me know!"

Doc, "I will"!

The call ended and Doc made his way back into the room with Dani! There was a knock at the door 15 minutes later!

Dani, "Come in!"

Fatima, "Hey Dani, you look better this morning!"

Dani, "I feel better! What are you doing here?"

Fatima, "Well I came to give you the good news in person!"

Dani, "Good news?"

Fatima, "Yes! So the accident has been ruled as self defense and his lawyers called me this morning they couldn't beat the settlement I presented so they had to settle! Jonah has been charged with 1st Degree Rape, 1st Degree Stalking because of the notes that were found at his house of him wanting to commit bodily harm to you and pictures, Involuntary Manslaughter of an Unborn Child,Attempted Murder because he fired at you, and Possession of an Unregistered Firearm! The settlement included 4 million dollars and ownership of his hotel chain! I asked for 5 million but they couldn't present it so they had to give the hotel chain to compensate for the other million!

Dani stopped to her knees, "What?

Fatima, "Yes so I need your banking information so your money can be wired immediately"!

Dani was shaking! She gave Fatima her banking information and then she looked over to Doc!

Dani, "What's your banking information?

Doc, "Dani, I don't want your money!"

Dani, "Doc please just give me your banking information! Your support these last 3 days have been major to me! You provided me with security, held my hands, wiped my tears and helped me shower! I'll never be able to repay you but I can start not with 1 million!"

Fatima was shocked but she understood!

Doc, "You can give me a friendship and 250,000 that's all I'm taking!" *kissing her forehead* Doc gave Fatima his banking information and she stepped up to make the call!

Dani hugged doc! He looked up at her and said, "You'll always have protection from here on out!"

Dani, "Thank you! So what is this?"

Doc, "The beginning of an everlasting friendship! We both know we don't want a relationship at the moment and I'm not sure if we are right for each other but I'll be your friend until the end of time!"

Dani, "Thank you doc!"

Fatima entered the room and informed both of them that the money should be in their account and they checked and it was! She also told Dani she should be receiving an email entailing her new job responsibilities at the hotel and any meetings she would need to attend! Dani nodded!

Doc set madam a message!

Doc, "It's done!"

Madam,"Damn Fatima works fast but I'll get it done"!

Doc and Dani left the hospital and headed to her meeting with Zac!

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