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Doc walked back out of  the room! Everyone had their eyes on him!

Doc, "Dani and I appreciate everyone being here and I know there are a lot of questions! Since Danni is tired I will answer them as best I can!"

Zac, "Where's the MF at?"

Preston, "I can answer that!"

Everyone looked at him suspiciously!

Preston, "Jonah was my brother!" *Everyone gasped* We were orphans! We grew up on the streets together and became business partners! I didn't know how sick he was until Dani and I had our zoom meeting earlier to talk about the company! I was informed this morning he committed suicide and honestly I'm glad! We didn't want anyone like that representing the face of our company!"

Everyone glanced at Madam because they knew she had something to do with it but they didn't say anything!

Amp, "How is she doing really?"

Gretchen, "I can answer that! She is having adverse reactions from her miscarriage! She is still in a lot of pain and will continue to be under my care for the next month or so! She's also on bed rest!

Sabrina, "What about her schooling?"

Doc, "While we were in the hospital, her professor allowed her to take her final exam online and he proctored it! She did fairly well and should be graduating soon!

Marcus, "What about the case?"

Fatima, "I can answer that! The case is closed! It was filed as self defense and Dani will not receive any criminal charges! However he did die before he could receive charges but it's all for the best!"

Midnight, "How are you?" *looking at Doc*

Doc, "We both agreed, we weren't ready to be parents but it still hurts the same on both ends! I can't allow myself to breakdown knowing that she needs me!"

Babyface, "Are y'all together?"

Doc, "No we aren't she's more like my best friend! I know we were expecting a baby but we have already came  to a mutual understanding that a friendship is better than a relationship and that's what's working for us!"

Lori, "Are you sure she's okay?"

Doc, "I know for a fact she isn't okay but I know how strong she is! I know she will make it through this storm and I'll be here to help her as long as she wants me to be!"

Angela, "Will you be staying here with her? She'll need round the clock care!"

Doc, "Yes, she asked me not to leave her and I promised I won't! I just want to make sure she's okay before I actually return back to my home! But we will still be friends after the storm is over!"

Madam, "Have you gotten any rest?"

Doc, "No *crying* She has night terrors! I try to make sure she is as comfortable as possible but she doesn't know I haven't slept! I just watch her all night to make sure she's okay! The whole ordeal was traumatic for her and I have to make sure, she has everything she needs!

Sabrina, "Doc please go shower and lay down!"

Doc, "She'll be looking for me when she gets up"!

Sabrina, "I'll stay here tonight and I'll sleep with her!"

Dani stepped out of the room! *looking at Doc*

Dani, "Why didn't you tell me you haven't been sleeping?"

Doc, "I just didn't want you to worry!"

Dani, "But now I am! You can go up stairs and sleep I'll be okay!"

Doc, "No I'll sleep down here! Do you need anything?"

Dani, "Yes I need you to go shower and go to bed and I'll get Sabrina to help me shower and get ready for bed!"

Doc, "Dani, I can't leave you!"

Dani, "Doc you're not leaving me! You're just going to another room!"

Doc, "Are you sure?"

Dani, "Yes, I'll be fine!"

Doc, *Stood up and kissed her forehead* "The first scream I hear I'll come running!

Dani, "yeah I know! Now go!"

Doc walked into the room beside Dani and took a shower and went straight to bed!

Madam, "Damn Dani WTF did you do to that nigga"!

Everyone started laughing!

Dani, "I didn't do anything! He hasn't always been this attentive?"

Madam, "He has but not like this!"

Fatima, "Yeah it's a new look on him!"

Gretchen, "He's in fight or flight mode! I wouldn't be surprised if he sleeps all day tomorrow!"

Dani, "He's been so busy taking care of me that he has neglected hisself and I don't like that!"

Madam, "So are y'all feeling each other?"

Dani, "No actually he's dating the detective lady! I'm single! We just mesh well together! He's like my best friend which is crazy because he is so attentive! I have my eye on someone else! I just need to finish healing first *looking at Preston*

Sabrina, "Well come on Dani  so you can shower!"

Dani, "Okay Dr. Walton, you and Fatima can go y'all  have been taking care of me for two days! I'll see y'all tomorrow!"

Fatima, "Are you sure?"

Dani, "Yes Drive Safe and Have a good night"!

Everyone left and Sabrina locked the door and help Dani shower! Sabrina showered while Dani checked her email! Once Sabrina got out the shower she laid down with Dani and they drifted off to sleep!

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