Do you love him?

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The nurse was helping Dani place the babies in the car seat and they passed the test! She also gave Dani a healthy supply of diapers, wipes, and milk! Preston walked in and Dani didn't acknowledge his presence at all! She placed the babies car seats in their two headed stroller and went to grab the bag the nurse packed but Preston grabbed it! Dani thanked the nurse and walked passed him! When she reached the parking lot she placed the babies into their car seat bases and buckled them in! She placed the stroller in her trunk and went to grab the bag from Preston but he wouldn't let it go!

Preston, "Dani we need to talk about this!"

Dani, "No you need to go talk to your baby mama!"

Preston, "That's not fair because I didn't know!"

Dani, "Actually you did when her name was mentioned! You could've told me then so I wouldn't have been blindsided! You said nothing and I'm not fucking with that!"

Preston, "Dani you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you!"

Dani, "I don't know that! I think coparenting is best right now!" *Taking the bag from Preston*

Dani drove away! She arrived home in 20 minutes and took her babies out getting them and their milk situated! She changed them and fed both of them! After she burped them, she placed them into their cribs admiring their beauty! Dani texted Gretchen and Fatima and asked them if they could come over and they responded "I'll be there shortly"!


Dani, "Hello!"

Sabrina, "Well Hello Ms. King! Where the hell your ass been at?"

Dani, "Receiving all the blessing God has for me! I was about to call you though! Can you come over?"

Sabrina, "Girl I was already on the way! I'll be there in a minute"!

Dani placed each babies car seat in the corner of their rooms when she heard her phone pinging! Sabrina, Gretchen, and Fatima were downstairs! Dani unlocked the door from her phone! They entered the house!

Fatima, "Do y'all know what she wanted?"

Sabrina, "I have no idea!"

Gretchen, "It must be important if she called all of us!"

Dani, "I'm up here!"

Fatima, Gretchen, and Sabrina came up stairs and glanced at both nurseries confused!

Fatima, "Dani this is not how you cope girl!"

Dani laughed, "God has been too good to me not to share my blessings with y'all!"

Sabrina, "These rooms are beautiful girl!"

Dani, "Thank you! *crying* This is my daughter Denbrí Jream Brooks"! *handing Denbrí to Sabrina*

Gretchen, "Dani she's so precious"!

Dani walked out the room and grabbed Dalis entering back into the room!

Dani, "And this handsome guy is my son Dalis Jru Brooks"! *handing him to Fatima*

Gretchen, "Twins!"

Dani, "Yes ma'am! Preston and I adopted! Well more so me!"

Sabrina, "Why do you say it like that?"

Dani, "Because Preston is their biological dad and I didn't know until I heard him and their biological mom arguing about it!"

Fatima, "Oh Dani!"

Dani, "It's fine I agreed to coparent with him and for now the relationship is at a standstill!"

Gretchen, "Are you sure you're okay with that because the way y'all look at each other tells me something different!"

Dani, "I'm sure for now!"

Everyone was fawning over both babies Dani knew her she wanted a truck now that she had expanded her family!

Dani, "Fatima can you and Mrs. Gretchen watch them while I go to your Dad's car dealership! I want a truck! I'll be right back I completed all The paperwork online so I'm really just picking up my new truck!"

Fatima, "Dani girl you're fine!"

Gretchen, "Yeah we'll take good care of them!"

Dani kissed both of her babies and left with Sabrina! When she arrived at the dealership Marcus was waiting with her keys!

Dani, "Thank you Mr. Wilson"!

Marcus, "No problem and Congratulations on motherhood!"

Dani, "Thank You!"

Dani drove off on her New 2024 Kia Sorento! She arrived home within 20 minutes and parked her truck in the garage! She got out and met Sabrina in the house! She seen Fatima and Gretchen cooking so she knew her babies were sleeping! She turned on t...

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Dani drove off on her New 2024 Kia Sorento! She arrived home within 20 minutes and parked her truck in the garage! She got out and met Sabrina in the house! She seen Fatima and Gretchen cooking so she knew her babies were sleeping! She turned on the tablet so she could see and hear them and then she sat down on the chair!

Sabrina, "How does it feel?"

Dani, "Like a dream come true because I've wanted this so long! Like a nightmare because I've wanted Preston even longer! I just can't believe that once he found out he didn't tell me!"

Sabrina, "Do you love him?"

Dani, "I honestly don't know anymore! I didn't even know he had been going back and forth to Mississippi taking care of her! I'm hurt because he didn't feel as though he could tell me from the beginning!"

Sabrina, "Do you think it's worth fighting for? Technically he didn't cheat!"

Dani, "I don't know if I want to fight! He definitely didn't cheat but he did withhold the truth and I don't like that!

Fatima and Gretchen finished cooking and everyone ate and talked! Dani asked Gretchen if her and Marcus would be the GG and PopPop to her babies! She asked Fatima if her and Zac would their TT and uncle! Of course Sabrina was their God Mommy and when she finally catches up with Doc she was going to ask him to be their God Daddy! Everyone accepted their new found roles in the twins lives and they hugged Dani and left!

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