27. The Negotiation

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"Watch out!"

Kyler's arm wrapped protectively around me, pulling me down to the ground just in time.

It took a moment for me to register what had happened—a sudden arrow whizzed past us, its deadly trajectory narrowly missing its mark and embedding itself in a nearby tree trunk.

My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I searched for Era, my relief overwhelming when I spotted Genesis sheltering her protectively, both of them safely ducked down amidst the chaos.

Kyler gestured for us to stay on the ground as he scanned the forest with heightened vigilance, his senses attuned to any potential threats.

"Come out," he called out, his voice firm and commanding as he focused on a dense tree branch. "I know you're hiding there."

After a few tense moments, we heard rustling in the foliage, and my heart clenched as two men and a woman emerged from different tree branches.

Their attire resembled military gear, the shades of green blending seamlessly with the forest surroundings for camouflage.

Each of them carried a bow, their weapons poised with deadly accuracy. But it wasn't just their appearance that set them apart; the arrows they held were different from regular ones. The arrowheads emitted a faint purplish glow in the sunlight, an ominous sign of their otherworldly nature.

"What are you doing in our territory, you mutt?" the woman demanded, her arrow trained on Kyler, her tone sharp with hostility.

"Just taking a stroll with my friends. You've got some pretty houses here," Kyler replied casually, unfazed by the tension in the air as he stood up, brushing the dirt off his clothes.

We all followed suit, rising to our feet cautiously.

"Is anyone interested in selling? I'm thinking about buying one for my retirement," Kyler continued, his words laced with playful humor, attempting to diffuse the tension with a touch of levity.

Only Kyler could find humor in such tense situations.

But the people standing before us didn't share his amusement. All three of them wore murderous expressions on their faces, their hostility palpable in the air.

Despite his light-hearted tone, Kyler's protective instinct remained evident as he positioned himself in front of us.

"Why is Era with you? Were you trying to kidnap her?" the man, standing to the side questioned, his bow aimed at me with an accusing glare.

I took a deep breath to steady myself, feeling the weight of his suspicion bearing down on me. "We found her alone in the middle of the forest. She was lost, and we were simply helping her find her way back home," I explained calmly, hoping to convey the sincerity of our intentions.

"Do you expect us to believe that?" the man sneered incredulously, his skepticism evident in his tone as he continued to regard us with suspicion.

"This is the truth," I insisted, my voice steady despite the rising tension. "If we were truly kidnapping her, do you think she would be standing here calmly with us? She would have tried to run at the first chance she got," I reasoned, hoping to appeal to their logic and diffuse the escalating confrontation.

"Maybe she can't run because she's scared you people would try to hurt her," the other man, standing behind them interjected.

"Do you honestly believe I would risk my life to protect someone I intended to harm?" Genesis snapped from behind, her protective hold on Era unwavering. Her words cut through the tension like a knife, her fierce loyalty to Era evident in her unwavering stance.

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