28. A Tumultuous Situation

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Era clung tightly to my hand as we followed her father into the village.

Two men who had accompanied him before walked on either side behind us, maintaining a watchful presence. Meanwhile, Lily and her comrade had returned to their original positions in the trees, keeping a vigilant eye out for intruders.

As I walked behind the Village Chief through the narrow cobblestone streets of the quaint village, I couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and awe at my surroundings.

Despite its small size, the village exuded an undeniable sense of warmth. The quaint houses, with their neatly trimmed gardens and welcoming facades, seemed to radiate a peaceful charm that instantly put me at ease.

The streets meandered gently through the village, bordered by charming rustic cottages adorned with colorful flower boxes in the windows. Potted plants dotted the pathways, injecting bursts of greenery into the cobblestone streets.

Our footsteps echoed softly against the ancient stones, harmonizing with the distant murmur of conversation drifting from nearby homes.

As we passed through the central square, my gaze was drawn to a towering oak tree standing sentinel, its branches reaching towards the sky. Beneath its shade, a group of children played tag, their laughter echoing joyfully in the air.

Meanwhile, villagers bustled about, their movements guided by a sense of familiarity and purpose. Their curious glances in my direction made me feel like an outsider momentarily, but I couldn't help but be captivated by the sense of community that permeated the atmosphere.

"So, you've finally found the little devil, Chief," remarked an old man seated near the tree.

The Village Head nodded in response, casting a fond glance back at Era, who beamed up at him.

Eventually, we arrived at the Village Head's house, a modest yet welcoming abode nestled at the edge of the village, adorned with climbing ivy and a cheerful red door.

As we approached, the Village Head gestured for us to enter, welcoming me with a warm smile. The two men remained at the door as he followed us inside.

"Elsa," he called out.

A moment later, a woman's voice responded from upstairs. "Didn't I tell you, Mason, not to come home until you find Era?"

"I found her," Mason announced loudly.

In the next moment, we heard hurried footsteps, and I watched as a beautiful woman descended the stairs.

"Walk slowly, Elsa," Mason cautioned his wife, his concern evident and my gaze was drawn to her large belly.

Ignoring her husband's words, she hurried over and bent down to examine her daughter.

"Oh my god, Era, where have you been and how did you get hurt?" she asked, inspecting her knee.

"I fell," Era said quietly,

"Does it hurt a lot?" Elsa asked, concern evident in her voice.

When Era nodded, her mom enveloped her in a tight hug.

"Did you really run away from home because Mumma scolded you?" Elsa asked, cupping her daughter's cheeks.

Era shook her head. "I went to see butterflies because you refused to take me and got lost." Then she glanced at me. "But Neev and her friends helped me and brought me back here."

Only then did Elsa realize I was also present. Her wide brown eyes, similar to Era's, met mine as she attempted to get up, but her pregnant belly made it difficult.

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