A/N (I hate exams)

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It's almost exam season for me. *progressively sits in a corner and cries* End of year exams as a  GCSE student  are in a month and for the first time, I think I might have to put all my stories on hold for the next few weeks, depending on how I feel. Nothing is final yet but it's most likely that I won't be updating on any of my stories during the month of June and the weeks coming up to it due to me spontaneously studying.

Right now, I'm in my "Studying to be better than everyone I hate" era and intend to stick to it. Btw once exams are over I'll put another A/N to tell you guys what I got and well I'll be back for regular updates. Imma try and update a lot to all of my books before I put the books on hold tho!

These are the grades I'm hoping to achieve^^

English (8). Maths (7). Science Trilogy (66). History (8). RE (9). Psychology (7). Drama (7).  I'm so sorry to anyone who doesn't understand British grading systems.

-I'll see you guys in the next chapter and make sure to send in requests (I'm in need of more!!), ShyBeanz


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