on the edge of darkness-36

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Kongpob woke up early in the morning, he looks to his side facing Arthit he smiles kissing Arthit forehead caressing those messy locks of hairs which he messed with all the night, he is pleased for the last night now he smells of vanilla he thought to take bath, he smiles when he finds a hand over his waist he is slowly trying to get the handoff of him, but Arthit pull him closer so soft he blushes into Arthit chest while Arthit snuggling Kongpob's naked body looping his leg over Kongpob hips and pulling him closer "five minutes..."

He loops his hand around Arthit waist he stayed still for five minutes he breaths into Arthit hard chest peeking through his eyes to the sharp jaw he kissed it he flips Arthit back to bed hearing Arthit groaning he drops a kiss on Arthit forehead while Arthit completely hugs Kongpob back not letting him to go down their bodies were tangling with white bed sheets and they smell of all vanilla, cherries and sex

Arthit flips him down spooning him from behind he scoops Kongpob back to his chest, he murmurs "five more,"

Their morning cuddles were the best Kongpob does not deny a bit of Arthit cuddling him in their mornings, He chuckles tapping on Arthit hand "we will be getting late,"

"I still cannot believe I woke up with you," he snuggles into Kongpob neck sending Goosebumps all over his body

He turns under Arthit arms kissing his cheek tightly "...now, get up,"

"five more..." Arthit groaned facing away

He then get to understand Arthit is tired then why the hell did he push himself last night, he blushed more moments are causing a slight pain, Arthit is a beast at night he is blushing so hard that he cannot believe himself, he sat up flipping the covers he gets down the bed stifles a yawn walking his naked lazy self to washroom, may be after taking a warm shower will help him undo the sleepiness, freshening up slipping into uniform with white shirt and black pants he sees Arthit was still rolling around

Closing the door he walks to hall, marise was lazing in the sofa speaking a phone call, he silently walks to her asking her to finish up the call he had something important to ask her, she glares him for disturbing her work call which is important

as if he would listen! He is disturbing her even more he rest in her lap while marise pointing a finger to her lips asking him to be silent he sees her phone is on speaker and she is recording the call, Kongpob eyes widen at her she is like a CBI he smiles he slips to rest in her lap, playing with her long wavy hairs while marise writing some stick notes and recording the call

Finishing the call, keeping the phone to table he slides her back to back to backrest of sofa, she looks to alarm which is 6:30 "what the hell, you woke up so early,"

"what was the case, it seems serious," he ask waving her long hair strands with his fingers

She get her hairs scolding him to stop playing with her hair, "...some psychopath is obsessed with a school going girl,"

"...oh your recording the parents voices,"

She nods rubbing her forehead "cannot take choices, for me everything is a piece of evidence I will try to gather as much as I can,"

"...that is good,"

"you could sleep for some time, are not you tired?"

"....i have to study for one hour and then planning to cook pancakes,"

"your husband will not allow,"

He smiles "that is why I woke up early,"

She pinched his button nose "...mischievous," after a minute marise again says "..is your husband still sleeping,"

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