A Deal [Angst/Fluff] S9 (Taurian)

221 13 16

is it not obvious that i love taurian?

okay like i swear im trying to do weekly uploads again but my motivation ran away from home and won't pick up the phone sooo...

thankfully, my health is finally improving again, and so is my mood, so that's good. still not 100% though

- shipping (Taurtis x Grian)
- gore/people being severely injured
- watchers
- shouting

lmk if i missed anything


Xisuma falls to his knees, blood running down his face, mask in pieces on the floor. A few hermits cry out in sheer fear. Purple energy surrounds Xisuma, throwing him towards the pile of the others.

Pearl immediately runs over to him, desperately shouting inaudible things to Xisuma. He can't process what she's saying, but his eyes follow her hands as she points behind him.

All of the Hermits are in close quarters. Some look unharmed, but they're crying and holding the unconscious bodies of their friends, who are severely bleeding from various wounds in various places.

Wanting to help, despite not knowing how, Xisuma tries to stand up and run over to them, but a wave of purple energy is shot out and knocks him back to his knees and into a crawling position. Distorted laughter comes from behind him, and Xisuma whips around to attempt to identify the voice. But he's frozen in fear by the sight.

A 16-feet-tall, purple being stands above him, smiling sinisterly down at him. Xisuma wants to run, to protect his Hermits, but his body is paralyzed. Other, smaller versions of the same being begin to appear in a ring around the Hermits, enclosing them and cutting off any escape routes.

"What are you going to do now, little admin?" the high-ranking watcher laughs.

In a last attempt of defiance and strength, Xisuma shouts back "We'll never back down!"

"We'll?" it says in a doubtful tone. "Who are you referring to by 'we'? You have no one, Xisuma. Everyone that was ever on your side is perishing. And you failed to stop it." The watcher extends its hand out quickly towards Xisuma, and he immediately feels a thousand times weaker, collapsing onto the ground in defeat.

Only able to keep his eyes open slightly, Xisuma needs to know what he did wrong. "How- how did you even get on the server?" he croaks out weakly, struggle and pain evident in his voice.

The watcher lets out a low chuckle. "Oh," it starts. "Let's just say, we had a man on the inside," the watcher smirks down at Xisuma, who's blood runs cold at the words. There- there had been a traitor amidst the Hermits? The people he had given everything to protect? He nearly starts crying at the thought, but maintains a calm demeanor.

"You mean one of them was a spy?" Xisuma asks, his morale faltering.

"Indeed," the being speaks. "In fact, why don't we show you which one of your beloved has betrayed you?"

Xisuma just looks up at the watcher expectantly, not having the energy to respond. He doesn't know whether or not he wants to deal with the heartbreak of knowing who betrayed the server, but decides to bite the bullet. Better now than later, right?

Taking a small step to the side, the silhouette of a figure appears next to the high-ranking watcher. As the figure walks forward, more of its details come into render. Blonde hair, a red sweater, colorful wings, wait, but those all sound like...

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