Chapter XXIV

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"My heart beats as long as hers does and when she dies I will meet Malek at her side"

Journal entry number 11

If I die before the moon crests over the mountain, go to violet, she will help describe my writing. If I survive till the moon goes past the mountain yet I am not found go to Xaden he is aware of the circumstances that lead ahead May Malek protect my soul

"It's been a month now, where each day blurs into the next, and my life feels like it's slowly unraveling at the seams. As I sit here, penning these words, I find myself losing touch with my humanity, a sensation I've experienced before. He always returns. It takes three days, but inevitably, he comes back, and during those three days, I feel the weight of a power I cannot control creeping into my existence.

Something feels different at the college, a subtle shift in the air, echoed by the change I sense in the dragon bonded to me. I fear it's only a matter of time before everything crumbles beneath the weight of this impending upheaval.

Then, the letter arrived. It demanded my departure, to a secluded place where I'll be groomed and trained to assume the mantle of rebellion's next queen. It's a peculiar notion, considering there's never been a queen before. It's always been my father and Xadens father. Questions swirl in my mind. Why is Xaden exempt from such tutelage? The answer to that question shattered my world. He's been groomed for leadership his entire life, a truth he kept hidden from me. The revelation leaves me broken, grappling with the enormity of his deception."

Each passing day feels like a descent into darkness, the once familiar contours of my life now distorted by uncertainty and betrayal. I cling to my writing as a lifeline, a desperate attempt to anchor myself amidst the chaos consuming me. I have too much power festering in my blood to hold true to who I am. With every breaking moment, I have anger seeping deep into my bones and a piece of me slowly drifting away each time the sun crests to night.

Xaden's absence during those three days is a haunting reminder of the power he wields, a power that holds me captive in its thrall. I watch as the college undergoes a subtle transformation, mirroring the unsettling changes within me. The dragon, once a steadfast companion, now pulses with an energy I struggle to comprehend.

Receiving the letter was like a bolt from the blue, ripping apart the fragile fabric of my existence. To be summoned to a distant place, to be trained for a role I never sought nor imagined, feels like a cruel twist of fate. The prospect of becoming the rebellion's queen is both exhilarating and daunting, a responsibility thrust upon me without warning.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, one question gnaws at my soul: why was I kept in the dark about Xaden's true destiny? The revelation of his preparedness for leadership cuts me to the core, leaving me adrift in a sea of doubt and disillusionment. How can I trust him when he's concealed such a pivotal truth from me?

As I grapple with these conflicting emotions, I realize that the path ahead is fraught with uncertainty. But I am determined to carve out my own destiny, to reclaim control over my life, even if it means confronting the shadows that lurk within and without. One possibly being Luke, who has turned into my shadow.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the courtyard of the college where I stood, my heart heavy with the weight of secrets and betrayal. Luke's shadow loomed behind me, a constant reminder of the darkness threatening to consume me.

I clenched my fists, trying to steady the tremors wracking my body. I couldn't afford to falter now, not when my world was unraveling before my eyes. With each passing moment, the weight of my newfound destiny pressed down upon me, threatening to crush me beneath its weight.

But I refused to surrender to despair. I was a fighter, born and bred in the fires of rebellion. If anyone could rise from the ashes, it was me.

Gathering my resolve, I turned to face Luke, my eyes blazing with determination. "I know what you're trying to do," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. "But I won't let you control me anymore. I am not your puppet."

Luke's laughter echoed through the courtyard, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Oh, my dear Nora," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "You have always been mine, whether you realize it or not. And soon, you will come to understand the true extent of my power."

I gritted my teeth, my hands curling into fists at my sides. I refused to let fear dictate my actions any longer. With a defiant glare, I took a step forward, my gaze never wavering from Luke's sinister form.

"You may have held sway over me in the past month," I said, my voice ringing out with newfound strength. "I am the queen of the rebellion, and I will not be cowed by your threats."

"My dear Nora, you are not queen yet you have not passed any of the tests. He might rain as king because he has proven himself, you on the other hand are nothing more than a girl trying to play pretend. You might hold more powers than most but maybe they were all wrong. Maybe you are weak."

With that, I unleashed the power that had long lain dormant within me, a surge of energy pulsing through my veins like wildfire. Luke recoiled, his shadowy form flickering in the moonlight as my light pierced through the darkness.

For the first time in my life, I felt truly alive, my spirit unbound by the chains of fear and doubt. With each step I took, I drew closer to my destiny, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But as Luke lunged forward, his aggression palpable in the air, I braced myself for the inevitable confrontation. That's when Xaden appeared, his presence like a beacon of hope in the darkness.

He stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination as he faced off against Luke. "Enough," he said, his voice firm and commanding. "You will not lay a hand on her."

I felt a surge of relief wash over me as Xaden took charge of the situation, his strength and courage bolstering my own.

The difference between me and Xaden was he may have taught me how to fight but the general of the rebellion taught him.

As Luke lay defeated on the ground, gasping for breath, I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief mixed with apprehension. Xaden had proven his strength once again, but the lingering threat of Luke's knowledge hung heavy in the air.

Before I could voice my concerns, a new figure emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding attention. It was liam

"Need a hand, Xaden?" Liam called out, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Xaden nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Glad you could join the party,Liam ," he replied, his tone betraying no hint of the tension that still lingered between us.

Together, Xaden and Liam closed in on Luke, their movements coordinated and precise. With a flurry of strikes, they disarmed him and pinned him to the ground, his struggles futile against their combined strength.

"Who sent you, Luke?" Xaden demanded, his voice firm as he loomed over our fallen foe.

Luke's eyes darted between Xaden and me, a flicker of fear betraying his bravado. "I'll never tell you," he spat, his voice dripping with defiance.

But Xaden was undeterred, his gaze unwavering as he leaned in closer. "You may be stubborn, but we have ways of making you talk," he warned, his tone sending a shiver down my spine.

With a determined nod, Xaden and Liam began to interrogate Luke, their questions probing and relentless. And as the truth slowly began to emerge, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread settle over me.

The revelation of Luke's motives sent shockwaves through our ranks, casting a shadow of doubt
over everything we had fought for.

**** hi Readers I hope everybody's doing good. I wanted to get your thoughts on if you guys would mind if I went off on my own storyline at this point or would you guys prefer if I stick with the original storyline from Fourth Wing?
Please let me know your thoughts, opinions, and if you have any questions . Love u all❤️❤️❤️

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