Chapter XXX

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Before the plan could even begin to take shape, a loud bang echoed through the air, followed by screams that pierced the once serene atmosphere. Xaden and I exchanged a quick glance, a silent understanding passing between us, before I swiftly retrieved the daggers concealed at my thigh, tossing one to him with practiced ease.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Xaden and I moved in unison, unlocking the bathroom door and stepping out into chaos. The sight before us was nothing short of a battlefield, bodies strewn across the floor as the air crackled with tension and violence.

"What the hell," I muttered under my breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I took in the scene unfolding before me. Kai, with effortless grace and skill, fought off two assailants with a lethal precision that left no doubt about his capabilities.

"Stay close to me," Xaden's voice cut through the chaos, his tone firm and commanding as he took charge of the situation. Without hesitation, he began to navigate through the warzone, his movements purposeful and calculated.

I fell into step beside him, my senses on high alert as we wove through the chaos, dodging blows and sidestepping fallen bodies. With each step, the tension in the air thickened, the sounds of clashing steel and grunts of exertion filling the space around us.

As we drew closer to Kai, I couldn't help but feel a surge of apprehension mingled with admiration for his skill. Despite the danger surrounding us, there was an undeniable sense of awe in witnessing him in action, a reminder of the complexities of the world we inhabited.

What I didn't expect, though, was Xaden's sudden intervention, his movements swift and calculated as he joined Kai in dispatching their assailants. The sight left me bewildered, my mind struggling to make sense of the sudden turn of events.

Before I could even begin to process what was happening, Xaden grabbed Kai and forcefully shoved him against the nearest corner, his expression a mask of anger and frustration. "What the hell is happening right now, Kai is this a trap because I swear to the gods ?" Xaden's voice was laced with a mixture of disbelief and rage, his tone brooking no argument.

Kai, seemingly unfazed by Xaden's aggression, pushed him back with equal force, their bodies colliding in a clash of wills. "You need to back off Xaden there here to kill her" Kai retorted, his voice dripping with defiance as he locked eyes with Xaden but pointed to me, a silent challenge passing between them.

A tense silence settled over us, the air heavy with unspoken tension as Xaden and Kai stood locked in a battle of words and wills. It was clear that there was history between them, a complex web of emotions and grievances that simmered beneath the surface, waiting to boil over at any moment.

"Wait what" I say finally registering what Kai said.

As the tension between Xaden and Kai reached a boiling point neither one of them acknowledged me, a sudden commotion erupted from the chaos unfolding around us. Before I could even register what was happening, a shadowy figure emerged from the fray, charging towards me with a deadly intent in their eyes.

Instinct kicked in, adrenaline surging through my veins as I braced myself for the impending confrontation. With swift and decisive movements, I drew my daggers, their cold steel glinting in the dim light of the room as I prepared to defend myself against the assailant.

As the attacker closed in, their movements fueled by a primal aggression, I met their onslaught with a ferocity of my own. Each strike was met with a counterattack, my movements fluid and precise as I fought to hold my ground against the relentless assault.

With each opponent that dared to challenge me, my anger burned hotter, fueling the fire of my determination. I moved with swift precision, my movements a blur of calculated strikes and evasions. But as Xaden and Kai moved to intervene, a surge of frustration boiled within me, igniting a fierce defiance that demanded to be heard.

"Stay out of this!" I snapped, my voice ringing out with authority as I faced off against my adversaries. "I'm sick of this alpha male bullshit."

With a swift motion, I sliced through the fabric of my dress, freeing myself from its constraints and allowing me to move with unrestricted freedom. My every movement was a declaration of my strength and resilience, a testament to my unwillingness to be controlled or subdued by anyone.

As the battle raged on, I asserted my dominance with unwavering determination, refusing to yield to the onslaught of my enemies. Each strike was a testament to my power, each victory a testament to my indomitable will.

In that moment, I stood tall and defiant, a force to be reckoned with amidst the chaos of the battlefield. And as the last of my foes fell before me, defeated.

I stood with blood of my own, and my victims spread across my arms and legs. My face is a splattered body surrounding me, and all I have left is my dagger with blood pouring down from my Hands.I stood amidst the aftermath of the fight, the weight of the moment heavy upon my shoulders as I surveyed the faces of those around me. Gerard, Lydia, and Kai stood at the forefront, each wearing a distinct expression that spoke volumes.

Gerard's gaze held a mixture of strength and pride, his eyes reflecting the unwavering confidence of a leader who had witnessed the prowess of his warrior. Lydia's satisfaction was evident in the curve of her smile, a silent acknowledgment of the chaos I had wrought in defense of our cause. As for Kai, his emotions remained elusive, veiled behind a mask of calm and composure that belied the tumultuous thoughts swirling beneath the surface.His face just held a smirk as he took in my appearance.

Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces that surrounded us, there were others of importance, their presence a testament to the gravity of the situation. Yet, amidst the crowd, it was Xaden's demeanor that caught my attention the most. His arms were crossed, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips, as if the violence that had just unfolded before us was nothing more than a routine occurrence in our tumultuous world.

With a resigned sigh, I let my dagger slip from my fingers, its weight no longer necessary now that the battle had ended. Stepping out of my heels, I turned away from the crowd, the urgency of the moment calling me to retreat. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I think I need to go wash up," I murmured, my voice barely audible above the murmurs that followed in my wake.

As I made my way to the guest room, the weight of the events that had transpired hung heavy in the air, a tangible reminder of the violence that simmered beneath the surface of our world, but all I can focus on is the blood that is running down my body. 

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