Chapter XXVI

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There is a funny saying about how time works in weird ways

Pacing the confines of Xaden's room, a palpable sense of impending doom gripped me tightly. "We're in deep trouble," I muttered, the weight of our predicament heavy on my shoulders.

Xaden, lounging on his bed with an air of casual indifference, let out a low chuckle. "Seems like we might be in a bit of a issue," he replied, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.

Coming to an abrupt halt before him, frustration bubbled within me, threatening to spill over. "You don't seem to understand the seriousness of our situation," I began, my voice rising with each word. "You're the reason we're in this mess. You killed that guy's son. And now he expects me to waltz into a ball where villains mingle and sip cocktails, talking about how one day they wanna rule the world. Do you not understand how this could be a major issue?!" I practically yelled, punctuating my outburst with frantic gestures.

Meeting Xaden's gaze, I could detect a fleeting flicker of unease crossing his features. "Nora, please," he pleaded, urgency coloring his voice. "I've had dealings with these people before. They're dangerous. I can't let you go alone."

My frustration mounting, I shot back, "So you're telling me you're familiar with these criminals, yet you're the one who landed me in this mess. Did you have any idea who Luke was? How am I supposed to face them, to apologize for your actions? I'll be lucky to make it out alive by morning!" The frustration in my voice was evident, but I could see the genuine concern in Xaden's eyes.

Refusing to yield, I asserted firmly, "I appreciate your concern, Xaden. But I can take care of myself. I won't let fear dictate my actions."

Xaden's brow furrowed as he sat up, a mixture of worry and understanding in his gaze. "Nora, listen to reason," he implored earnestly. "I've seen firsthand what these villains are capable of. It's not a place for someone like you and what I did to Luke will fall on my shoulders if Gerard finds out. Which most likely he will, when his son doesn't come home or this godforsaken war college informs Gerard that his son's head and body are coming home in two separate packages."

But my determination remained unshaken. "I can handle it," I insisted, my resolve unwavering.

With a frustrated sigh, Xaden ran a hand through his hair. "It's not about bravery, Nora," he said softly. "It's about being smart. This isn't a game. If anything were to happen to you..."

His words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. Swallowing hard, I felt a pang of guilt for causing him such worry. "I understand your concerns, Xaden," I conceded, my tone softening. "But I can't let fear control me. I have to do this."

Xaden's expression softened, a resigned smile playing at his lips. "I know you're stubborn," he said with a small smile. "But promise me you'll be careful. Promise me you won't take any unnecessary risks . Stay close to the wall be quiet and for God sake don't pull out your daggers."

Meeting his gaze, I felt the weight of his concern settle over me like a comforting blanket. "I promise," I said, my voice steady.

"I have an old gown in my closet downstairs," I informed him, the seriousness of my tone underscoring the gravity of the situation. "I'll leave tomorrow morning at dawn. The ball is scheduled for tomorrow evening. If you don't hear from me by morning, come find me."

With those solemn words hanging between us, I turned to leave, the door closing behind me with a resounding thud. Yet, as I made my way to my quarters, a nagging feeling tugged at the corners of my mind. There was more to Xaden's words than met the eye. Perhaps buried beneath our defiance and sense of duty, lay a truth neither of us dared to acknowledge—a truth that bound us together in ways we were yet to discover.

Lost in thought, I retrieved the old gown from the depths of my closet. Memories flooded my mind—memories of happier times when Xaden and I were not burdened by the weight of our current reality. Despite the passage of time and the wounds that had been inflicted upon us, a part of me still longed for the connection we once shared.

With a heavy heart, I prepared for the journey ahead, each moment weighed down by the uncertainty of what lay ahead. Tomorrow promised not only the ball but also the culmination of months of planning and preparation on Gerard's part. Questions swirled in my mind, doubts gnawing at the recesses of my consciousness. Why the sudden urgency? Why summon me now? The feeling of being set up and walking into a trap rested heavily on my heart.

As the first light of dusk crept through the window, I found myself standing at the precipice of the unknown, grappling with the myriad uncertainties that lay ahead. Only time would reveal the truth, as a new day dawned filled with both possibilities and perils alike.

Ruthless 🗡️/ Fourth WingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz