Chapter XXVII

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Dear Violet,

If you wake up and find me absent, please don't panic. Urgent matters have arisen that require my immediate attention. Rest assured, I am safe and well. If anyone asks about my whereabouts, simply explain that I'm dealing with family matters.

I informed the school of my unexpected departure last night, so they are aware of the situation. I anticipate returning home in three days' time. In the meantime, please make sure to take thorough notes in class so that I can catch up quickly upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Warm regards, Nora


The journey to Bhaltair was nothing short of an odyssey. Perched atop Ziggy's back for a grueling seven hours felt more like a test of endurance than a leisurely ride. With each passing mile, Ziggy never missed an opportunity to remind me of the perceived craziness of our quest. Despite his vocal protests, the warm, balmy air enveloped us, gently tousling my hair as we rode.

I had opted against tying my hair back in a braid that morning, underestimating the wind's playful antics. Instead, my natural curls began to rebel, succumbing to the whims of the breeze and starting to frizz at the edges. Yet, amidst Ziggy's complaints and my unruly hair, there was an undeniable sense of adventure in the air, tinged with anticipation for what awaited us in Bhaltair.

As I ascended over the Kingdom of Bhaltair, the world unfurled beneath me like a breathtaking masterpiece painted by the hand of the divine. The landscape sprawled out in a vast panorama of natural wonder, with rolling hills and lush forests stretching as far as the eye could see. Each emerald tree and winding river seemed to dance in the golden sunlight, casting enchanting shadows upon the earth below.

But as mesmerizing as the scenery was, a sense of trepidation crept into my heart, a feeling that whispered of secrets hidden within the land's beauty. The towering peaks of Bhaltair's mountains, crowned with glistening snow, loomed ominously in the distance, their majestic presence both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

As I rode on the back of Ziggy, the air around us hummed with an eerie energy, tingling with the promise of something unknown lurking just beyond the horizon. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of unseen eyes tracking my every move with a silent intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

And then, as a gust of wind swept through the air, it carried with it the faint echo of whispers—whispers that spoke of ancient legends and forgotten mysteries, their words weaving a tapestry of intrigue that hung heavy in the air.

At that moment, I realized that Bhaltair was not just a kingdom—it was a realm of enchantment and danger, where beauty and darkness coexisted in a delicate balance. And as I journeyed further into its depths

But it was Gerard's mansion that truly captivated the eye—a marvel of architectural splendor that seemed to defy the very heavens. Its towering spires reached skyward, adorned with intricate carvings and gilded accents that shimmered in the sunlight. The facade of the mansion was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, with ornate balconies and arched windows that framed sweeping views of the kingdom below.

As I drew closer, I marveled at the meticulously landscaped gardens that surrounded the mansion, their lush greenery dotted with colorful blooms that perfumed the air with their delicate fragrance. Statues of marble and bronze stood sentinel amidst the verdant foliage, their stoic faces watching over the estate with silent dignity.

But it was the sense of power and authority that emanated from Gerard's mansion that truly set it apart. It was not simply a residence—it was a symbol of his dominion over the land, a fortress of wealth and influence that loomed large in the hearts and minds of all who beheld it.

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