Chapter XXXIV

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Xadens POV

As I sat in bed, my mind consumed by the image of Nora with Kai, a primal rage surged within me, threatening to shatter the fragile facade of control I clung to. How could she have allowed him to touch her first? The very thought of it sent waves of fury crashing over me, igniting a firestorm of anger that blazed relentlessly.

Every muscle in my body tensed with the intensity of my rage, my knuckles white as I clenched my fists so tight they trembled. Betrayal, like acid, ate away at the bonds of trust that once held us together, leaving behind only a seething resentment that threatened to consume me whole.

I wanted to scream, to unleash the full force of my wrath upon the world, to make Kai pay for his audacity in daring to lay claim to what was rightfully mine. But beneath the anger, beneath the burning desire for vengeance, there lurked a deep well of hurt, a sense of betrayal that cut me to the core.
She was supposed to be mine, damn it.

Mine to protect, mine to cherish. And yet, in a moment of weakness, she had succumbed to Kai's advances, leaving me to stew in a stew of bitter resentment and wounded pride.
I knew I should confront him, to make him answer for his actions, to reclaim what was rightfully mine. But even as the desire for retribution gnawed at the edges of my sanity, I knew that giving in to such base instincts would only lead to more pain and suffering.

So I forced myself to swallow back the bile of anger rising in my throat, to push down the urge to lash out and instead focus on the cold, calculating fury burning in my chest. I would bide my time, I told myself. Wait for the perfect moment to strike, to show Kai the true extent of my wrath.
No And when that moment came, he would learn the hard way that crossing me was a mistake he would not live to regret.

~Back to normal ~

As I woke with the first light of dawn filtering through the curtains, I felt a mixture of emotions swirling inside me. Kai lay peacefully asleep beside me, his rhythmic breathing a stark contrast to the turmoil in my mind. Quietly, I slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb him. The floorboards creaked softly underfoot as I gathered my clothes, each movement cautious and deliberate.

The room was bathed in a gentle morning glow, casting a serene aura over Kai's sleeping form. I couldn't help but pause, my heart aching with conflicting desires. Part of me wanted to stay, to linger in this moment of intimacy and connection. But another part knew I had to leave, to sort through my thoughts in solitude.

With a final glance at Kai, I tiptoed to the door, my hand trembling slightly as I turned the handle. The latch clicked softly, and I stepped out into the dimly lit hallway. The castle was quiet, the early morning silence amplifying the weight of my decision.

Down the stairs and out the front door I went, the cool morning air greeting me as I stepped outside. Each breath seemed to clear my mind a little more, easing the ache in my chest. I walked briskly down the path that led into the woods, the soft earth beneath my feet a grounding presence.

The morning sun filtered through the canopy above, dappling the forest floor with patches of light and shadow. Birds sang softly in the distance, their melodies a soothing balm to my restless thoughts. As I ventured deeper into the woods, the quiet solitude enveloped me, offering a space to reflect and find peace.

In that tranquil moment, amidst the rustling leaves and the gentle murmur of a nearby stream, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Leaving Kai's room had been a difficult choice, but now, surrounded by nature's embrace, I knew it was the right one. Each step forward brought a renewed sense of clarity, a small measure of peace returning to my troubled soul.
I needed Xaden though I truly couldn't get my mind off of him since I awoke. I needed to talk to him. To Discuss to plan to find comfort in

But just as I began retracing my steps, a sudden blow to the back of my head sent me sprawling to the forest floor. Stars danced in my vision as I struggled to comprehend what was happening. Before I could react, strong hands seized me, dragging me away from the path I had walked moments ago.
Fear and confusion gripped me as I fought against my assailants, their faces obscured by the shadows of the early morning light. Panic surged through me as I realized I was being kidnapped, my mind racing with questions about who would do this and why.

The woods around me seemed to blur as I was carried deeper into the dense foliage, each step taking me farther from the safety I had felt moments before. The sounds of nature became distant echoes as my captors hurried through the underbrush, their grip unyielding despite my frantic struggles.
My thoughts whirled with a mix of fear for myself and worry for Xaden. Would he know what had happened to me? Would he come looking? The uncertainty gnawed at me as I was whisked away, helpless and afraid in the hands of strangers.
As the world faded into darkness, the last thing I clung to was 
"Xaden" then my eyes shut

*** Hey all you readers I hope you're all doing well. Notice how the only word that was said in this chapter was Xaden hmmmmmm. I also just wanted to let you know that I started writing a new book that is a fanfic of The Originals. I'm only a couple chapters in, but I would love it if you guys could go and read it. I would love your thoughts. I'm loving this story so far sorry for the cliffhanger I love you all.<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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