Chapter 8

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Spartacus Le Great Le Fantastic Le Learnst Of Boxing Le Hinged entered the building, swishing his 1 percent hair 99 percent grease locks to the side of his face. He adjusted his mask, which he hadn't swapped out in a couple years because his belo-NO! the uh random person who was such a uh omega poor peasant had touched it once and charged forward on all fours. He had to find that omega poor peasant.

The Andrea building crackled with the sheer additional concentration of sigmaz in it, growing large sparkly emo goth demon angle wings, which were very dark, just like the dwark swide ide.

As the supreme brick was bashed into Chardonnay's arm, administering him with the vaccine, Chardonnay, being ever the kool enigma, decided that this moment called for an extraordinary display of his proficient prowessesque competence.

With the vaccine full administered, and many a severed tied off blood pipe, Chardonnay's eyes lit up with a fervor. He leapt to his hairline and began to sing in a pitch so high it split the follicles of his nostril hairs like spinach bread sandwich.

"its abt drive, its act power,
we stay hangry, we devour,
put in the work, put in the hours,
and take whats ourz!
Asian and China in my veins,
My culture banging with strange........


The glorious phrase rattled through the halls, reverberating with a. resonance that shook the very cheap foundation of the Andrea building. Spartacus, who had just rounded the corner, chomped on the cockroach named Angsty with surprise as Chardonnay's elaborate whistle range pierced the heavens and likely alerted all extra-terrestrial life forms to his existence.

"rarrararawr...", Spartacus growled, feeling the notes ring through his brain, dulling his sparkle and eliminating his hinge but only like 2/120938012984098309482109312 of the way.

Chardonnay, ending his performance with a climactic end, turned to face Spartacus. "Spartacuss," Chardonnay intoned with a dramatic flair, "now that you are 2/120938012984098309482109312 of the way free, allow me to impart upon thee the vast, intricate knowledge i possesseth about germany. Sitteth, hark, and beest did enlighten."

Spartacus, wrestling with the very muscular hinge inside his brainial cavity, shooketh that grease mop.

"Germany," Chardaddy began, his voice sounding like Midnight Nightmare Dementia Black Prune Misty Feet, "is a land of pretzels, beer, marijuana, cannabis, and other delicious snacks. They have autobahns where cars go so fast, they make light look like a scrumptious squirrel snail glass."

Sparty tried to interject, his spidey senses picking up traces of ice pineapple blast and also wikkypedophile, but Chardonnay was unstoppable.

"Lettuce not forget the ......................................"

Two days later, it seemed like the Andrea building was still echoing with the vestiges of Chardonnay's informing lecture on Germany, his words hanging in the air like a strange, ice pineapple blast fog of pretzel logic. Spartacus Le Great Le Fantastic Le Learnst Of boxing Le Unhinged, having barely survived the onslaught of stronge knowledge, that he definitely obviously knew already, roamed the halls, his mind a whirlpool of autobahns and leather shorts with H shaped braces.

Chardonnay had finally fallen silent, collapsing into the chair with a cutie patootie "ALEHAG".

Even Maya, the k-pop-boy-carboard-cutout-phile, had not been spared. The piercing resonance of Chardonnay's whistle range had shattered her TXT OxygenPod Pro Max Expert Professional Ultra-max Ultra 79s, forcing her to confront the frightening reality of her surroundings without the comforting barrier of those RINGDINGDONGDINGDINGDONGDINGDIGGIDINGDIGGIDINGDINGs. Her uwu glasses now sat askew on her face, her silky x2 rat-colored locks tangled in a state of perpetual emo distress.

Spartacus suddenly stood, hands braced behind his head at right angles in a signal of extreme surprise, realising he was no hinge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He swished behind his grease locks, leaving behind a suspicious trail of oily residue on the floor. The Andrea building seemed to respond with his sigma dominance, growing even sparklier emo goth demon angel wings.

He abruptly and very extremely slightly violently shook Chardonnay upside down, while on the roof, while chomping aggressively and also being a horse.

Then, Chardonnay woke up, anime hearts suddenly filling his eye cavities. However, Spartacus was not amused.


Oh no! 😢🙀😿

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